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Macro monarch (for regionals)

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I was thinking about what stopped DAD and lightsworn and GB and came up wih this.




3x Thestalos

3x Caius

1x Raiza

3x Survivor

3x Valley

2x ryko

3x D.D scout plane


Spells:: 10


1x Dup

3x DFissure

2x RoTA

1x Heavy

1x brain control

2x soul exchange


Traps: 12


3x Macro

3x Solemn

1x dustshoot


1x Torrential

1x Mirror Force

2x dust tornado


Side Deck

1x Mind crush

3x Threatining roars

3x Bottemless traphole

2x Pulling the rug

2x Prihibition

2x Shadow Imprisoning mirrors

2x Light Imprisoning mirrors

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-1 Thesty

-2 Ryko


+3 Scout Plane


-3 LJM (What is that anyway?)


+2 Exiled Force

+1 Dup


-2 Soul Exchange


+1 MST

+1 Lightning Vortex


-1 Macro

-2 Dusts

-1 RFtDD

-1 Dustshoot


+1 Lightning Vortex

+1 DDR

+2 E-Con

+1 Spirit Reaper


Side Deck:

2x Mobius


3x Deck Lockdown

2x Shrink


2x Light Imp. Mirror

2x Shadow Imp. Mirror

2x Dust

2x Rugs

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Scout plane is onley an 800 attacker which I don't like all that much


LJM is in there too slow down the opponit and more tribute fodder, it kiils GB


MST isn't needed main deck I have 2x dust tornados


Lightning vortex also almost made it but I don't like it here, and spirt reaper gets rapped by GB it's why it's side decked


I perfer RFTDD over ddr and Econs are not needed in macro.


Also my side is onley for monarch GB DAD and lightsworn, so shrinks are not needed either.

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In Side:

-1 Reaper

-1 Bottomless Trap Hole

+2 Exiled Force


This gives you an out to Herkalinos and Plasma. Also Deck Lockout is a bad side card. I would rather use Prohibition instead because it has a wider variety of uses.


Main Deck:


I don't like Return unless you have Kuraz as well. I would also put in 1 or 2 Scout Plane, just in case you can't get to your survivor.

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