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Yu-Gi-Oh Key of the Mind (FINISHED)


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Ch 14-Breathing Life’s Essence

Ch 14-Breathing Life’s Essence


In the park where everyone there was having fun, Marco sat on a bench alone to ponder on his thoughts.

“Why are those people after me?” asked Marco, “for what am I so wanted?”

Damataeus was strolling along when he noticed Marco there. He then walked up to the bench & sat beside him.

“Marco, what’s up,” said Damataeus.

“Just wondering about my life & what really happened?” said Marco, “I remembered nothing of the old days.”

“Never mind the past. All that matters is the future & the present,” said Damataeus.

“But still, you just don’t get it,” snapped Marco as he stomped out, “I’m going back home.”

“I have to do something to help him,” muttered Damataeus.


Later, Marco was reading some books inside a bookshop. There were several books lying on the floor near him. He was currently reading a book entitled, “Key of the Sealed Mind”. His messiness caused the other shoppers so much inconvenience that he approached an employee for help.

“Ms, that guy over there is causing us a lot of inconvenience,” said a shopper as he pointed at Marco, “can you tell him?”

“Excuse me sir,” said an employee of the bookshop, “but could you please not treat this place as your library or home.”

However, Marco was too engrossed in his reading to care about anything else. The employee got upset & turned on her walkie-talkie.

“Security, we have a problem…” said the employee.


Moments later, Damataeus was dueling against a security guard for not leaving the premises.


Security Guard (LP: 4000) Damataeus (LP: 4000)

Security Guard (LP: 4000) Damataeus (LP: 4000)


“Draw!” said Damataeus, “I summon Burning Skull Head in DEF mode & a card face-down. That’s it.”

A giant flaming skull appeared in a defensive position & a face-down card as well.

“My turn, punk,” said the guard as he drew his card, “I will start things off with Foolish Burial!”

As such, the guard took Elemental Hero Burstinatrix in his deck & placed her in the graveyard.

“Now I play E-Emergency Call to take Elemental Hero Avian from my deck to my hand & I’ll summon him right now in ATK mode,” said the guard as a winged warrior with green armor appeared. (ATK: 1000)

“And I’m giving Avian a boost with H-Heated Heart!” said the guard as Avian glowed with a fiery aura. (ATK: 1000~1500)

“Now Avian can hurt me even by attacking my Skull, if not for my Negate Attack,” thought Damataeus.

“You aren’t in the clear yet, punk, because I activate R-Righteous Justice to destroy your face-down,” said the guard as the face-down Negate Attack card exploded into shards, “now I play O-Oversoul to revive any Elemental Hero in my graveyard like…Elemental Hero Burstinatrix!”

Then, a female wearing a tight red suit appeared in a burst of flames. (ATK: 1200)

“Finally, I play HERO Flash!!” said the guard, “By removing H-Heated Heart, E-Emergency Call, R-Righteous Justice & O-Oversoul that are in my graveyard from play, I can summon another Elemental Hero that is a Normal Monster like…Sparkman!”

Then, a man in yellow & blue armor appeared. (ATK: 1600)

“And the best part about HERO Flash!! is that all Elemental Heroes that are Normal Monsters can attack you directly this turn. Go, HERO Flash!!” announced the guard as the 3 heroes transformed into 3 streams of light & struck Damataeus.


Security Guard (LP: 4000) Damataeus (LP: 0)

Security Guard (LP: 4000) Damataeus (LP: 0)


“And stay out!” yelled the guard as his colleagues tossed him out of the shop. However, Damataeus still had the “Key of the Sealed Mind” book with him. The security guards soon ran after him again.

“Ok, you thief, you’re coming with me,” said the guard who was the same one that beat Damataeus earlier in a duel.

“Officer, now let’s not get nasty,” said a familiar voice, belonging to Norman, who was with Clair and they were intervening the commotion.

“None of your business, civilians. Please be on your way,” said the guard.

“You will let him go & drop the matter,” said Clair with her eyes glowing.

“We will let him go & drop the matter,” repeated the guards as they walked off.

“Hmmm, you have improved,” claimed Norman, “those are just like 1 of those “Jedi Mind Tricks” I’ve seen in Star Wars.”

“Thanks, you 2,” said Damataeus, “but how did you do that?”

Both Norman & Clair looked at each other for a moment before Norman spoke up.

“Trade secret, so what happened?” asked Norman.

“It’s a long story. Let’s sit down & then talk,” said Damataeus.


Later on, they were all inside a café.

“So Marco wishes for his memories again,” said Norman, “hmm…”

“I think that you should let him focus more on his future,” said Clair.

“I tried, but he’s just so stubborn,” said Damataeus as he took a sip of his drink.

“Actually, it is very easy,” said Norman, before Clair’s eyes glowed.

Inside Norman’s soul chamber, it was walls of pure white. Due to the same structure, Clair had difficulty navigating her way in Norman’s mind. Suddenly, Norman himself appeared in front of her.

“You were the one who told me to lay low with the Psychic stuff,” said Clair.

“Not worry. The method I’m suggesting right now had no relationship with the Psychics whatsoever,” replied Norman, “I promise.”

At that, both Clair & Norman returned to their full consciousness.

“Are you 2 ok?” asked Damataeus, “both of you just zombed out just now.”

“We’re fine,” replied Norman, “anyway, my idea is to accumulate massive quantities of Duel Energy & use it to jump-start & reactivate his dormant brain cells. That may possibly allow him to regain his memory of the past.”

“That’s crazy talk!” said Clair.

“Yeah…but it’s so crazy that…it might just work,” said Damataeus, “go for it!”

“But where did you get this mad idea?” asked Clair.

“I once read the notes of the late Dr Eisenstein. It mentioned all possible methods to use Duel Energy,” said Norman, “the only real problem is harnessing the said quantity & the only way is by an intense Duel.”

Norman thought for a while, & then wrote something on a piece of paper. He gave the piece to Damataeus.

“Tomorrow, meet me in the designated location at the designated time. Bring Marco & his deck along too, this will involve him,” said Norman.

“I understand,” said Damataeus as he left.

“Intense duel? Who are you choosing for the job?” said Clair.

“Not really sure…there’s quite a lot, but how many of them are actually available to us…” muttered Norman as a duel appeared on the café TV.

“And once again, young dueling masked sensation Adam Hiyeya whose story is still a mystery is scaling up the Pro League ladder of fame with his astounding recent victory over Monty Fisto. His duels will promise to appease the hunger of even the most unreasonable brutes. This is your ever-friendly top reporter, Mary Willis, signing off!”

Seeing the report, Norman’s face had a sly look &looked at Clair.

“I have a solution now,” said Norman, “since you’re in the Pro Leagues, mind you give a friend a tour.”


The next day, in the De’Lai household, Damataeus was eating breakfast with his 2 other brothers. Damataeus thought about what Norman told him yesterday & talked to Marco.

“Marco, are I talk to you in private?” asked Damataeus.

“Sure thing,” replied Marco.

They then walked all the way to Marco’s bedroom where they continued their talk. Kai took notice of his 2 brothers’ secrecy & followed them up to eavesdrop on them.

“So bro, what do you want to talk about?” asked Marco.

“You so desperately you want your memories back. I now have the answer to it; I will bring you to someone who can fix you later & get your deck ready as well,” said Damataeus.

“Really! Thanks then!” said Marco.

Later on, Marco took out his deck from his drawer. He opened it up to see his cards. His attention was on a monster there. It had a purple border & showed a 3-headed mechanical dragon.

“This card seems so familiar & at the same time, so distant as well. I hope we could reconcile after today,” thought Marco as he shuffled his deck.


Later at 3pm, Damataeus & Marco followed Norman’s directions which led them to an old abandoned building downtown. Kai was secretly stalking them.

“Are you sure this is the right place?” asked Marco, who began to doubt this “method”.

“Of course, I’m sure. Let me check the note first,” said Damataeus as he took out the note.

“When you arrive at the designated location at the designated time, knock on the door in the designated pattern. Long-long-short-long-short.”

As such, Damataeus knocked on the door in the fashion stated in the note. The door opened & Norman was standing there.

“Norman!” exclaimed Marco.

“Oh, you remembered me. Now follow me please,” said Norman as he led the way into the building. However, just when Kai was walking in, the door slammed shut, right at his face.

“Aw man!” cried Kai as he recovered from his injury & boringly stood outside.

Soon, they arrived at a dome-shaped room with a giant duel field on the floor. In every corner, there was a huge conductor rod.

“This is the plan: Marco, you will duel an assigned duelist in here where the various surrounding generators will draw out & collect the generating Duel Energy, which I can project & direct it to anywhere,” said Norman.

“Ok, so what now?” asked Damataeus & Marco.

“We wait for the assigned duelist & Clair, you can come out now,” called Norman & 2 people walked out of the shadows. They were Clair & Adam.

“Adam, like we requested yesterday, you shall duel this gentleman over there,” said Norman as he pointed at Marco.

“Hey, isn’t he Marco De’Lai?” asked Adam.

“Yeah, but he’s currently on leave & he wishes to duel you in this condition,” said Norman as he brought in a tray with 2 Duel Disks on it, “now, choose your Disks & load your decks.”

Both of them picked their own Duel Disks & placed their respective decks in the deck holder. After which, they walked off to opposite ends of the arena & faced each other, while the others took a seat along the benches. Norman took out a microphone.

“Ok, let’s duel!” announced Norman & the 2 duelists drew their respective opening hand.


Adam (LP: 4000) Marco (ATK: 4000)

Adam (LP: 4000) Marco (ATK: 4000)


As Marco looked at his hand, he noticed a particular card there. It had an orange border & depicted a mechanical dragon.

“That card!” thought Marco, “I know when’s the best time to use him.”

“I will let you take the first move,” said Marco.

“He must be planning something,” claimed Clair.

“Very well then, I draw!” said Adam, “I start off by summoning my Life Blade Master!” (ATK: 1900)

Then, a warrior in white armor appeared. He was holding a long & seemingly sharp blade in his hands.

“And I place a card face-down & end turn,” said Adam as a face-down card appeared onto the field.

“Now I draw,” said Marco, “My first move is to summon the Cyber Dragon now.” (ATK: 2100)

As he placed the card onto his Duel Disk, a mechanical dragon rose out of the ground.

“But he’s Level 5, so how…” wondered Adam.

“Cyber Dragon can be Special Summoned if you have a monster & I don’t,” said Marco, “and I can still Normal Summon too, to be exact, summoning the Heavy Mech Support Platform.”

Marco then slid the card into a Spell/Trap Card Zone, whose actions surprised Clair.

“Why did he put that in there?” asked Clair.

“I see that you still have much to learn,” said Damataeus, “Heavy Mech Support Platform is an Union Monster & as the name suggests, they have this power to unite with any monster on the field.”

Cyber Dragon glowed with a bright light & as the light died out, Cyber Dragon’s color scheme was changed to red & white & 2 other cannons were positioned near its jaws. (ATK: 2100~2600)

“Behold, a personal creation I like to call…the Heavy Mech Cyber Dragon!” declared Marco, “now I will attack your monster with Supported Strident Blast!”

The modified Cyber Dragon unleashed a blue stream of light at Life Blade Master & vaporized it.


Adam (LP: 3300) Marco (ATK: 3500)

Adam (LP: 3300) Marco (ATK: 3500)


“But why I lost Life Points?” exclaimed Marco.

“Because when my Life Blade Master is destroyed, you take 500 points of Damage,” explained Adam, “but now, pay attention to this, my face-down Trap Card.”

The face-down card, showing a person lying dead & another person being born, opened, “Behold, the Reincarnation Trap Card! The destruction of old life brings forth the start of new life. So, I can now summon a new Life monster such as…Life Warrior!” (ATK: 1600) said Adam as a warrior with golden armor appeared.

“Also, when my Life Points are lower than my opponent’s, he gains 800 ATK,” said Adam as Life Warrior glowed. (ATK: 1600~2400)

“I place a card face-down & I end the turn,” said Marco as the card was slid into an empty slot.

“But for some reason, those cards seem so familiar somehow…” thought Marco as he gazed at Life Warrior, “but he’s a Pro Duelist, so his cards should be well-known.”

“My turn,” said Adam as he drew, “I play the Spell Card Arms Hole. By discarding the top card of my Deck to the graveyard, I can add an Equip Spell Card to my hand.”

He scanned his deck & took a card out.

“But he can’t Normal Summon anything this turn,” said Damataeus.

“But who needs a monster when you can give my warrior the Life Dagger,” said Adam as a dagger appeared in Life Warrior’s right hand. (ATK: 2400~2700)

“Now that warrior’s stronger now,” gulped Clair.

“Yup, perfect time to attack him now with Dagger Stab!” said Adam as his Life Warrior struck Cyber Dragon with his dagger. However, that attack had only broke off its armor. (ATK: 2600~2100)


Adam (LP: 3800) Marco (ATK: 3400)

Adam (LP: 3800) Marco (ATK: 3400)


“Thanks to my Support Platform, it takes the hit for me. Though, why I lost more Life Points?” said Marco as he checked his Life Point meter.

“When my Life Dagger slashes off your Life Points, it can slash off another 500 & give me another 500 for me,” said Adam, “however, since I have higher Life Points now, my Life Warrior returns to his original strength. I place a card face-down & end turn.” (ATK: 2700~1900)

“Ok, so far, the Duel Energy level is pretty low. They had better juice things up if Marco’s memories were to return,” said Norman as he checked the meter.

“Then let’s keep going! I draw!” yelled Marco as he drew, “I play Polymerization to fuse this Cyber Dragon with another Cyber Dragon in my hand to form…”

Another Cyber Dragon appeared beside the original one & they spun into a swirling vortex & a blinding light engulfed the field. When the light died out, a large mechanical dragon with 2 different-looking heads appeared & roared. (ATK: 2800)

“Behold, the Cyber Twin Dragon. Now for their effect, each head can attack once,” said Marco, “Now I shall attack you with their mighty Double Strident Blast!”

The left head raised its part of the body & unleashed a deadly energy blast at Life Warrior.

“I play the Life Engraved Trap Card & it prevents the deaths of any of my Life monsters this turn,” said Adam as the card, depicting an angel hovering over a grave.

“Even so, Adam still takes a hit to his Life Points,” said Clair as the Strident Blast engulfed Adam along with his Life Warrior, though both of them survived the blast. However, Adam’s Life Points remained unchanged.

“What happened?” asked Marco.

“I had just discarded my Life Eternal Spell Card,” said Adam as he showed the card to them, “it can reduce all damage from an attack or card effect to 0.”

“Let’s not forget about the other head & you’re no longer safe from it. Go, Strident Blast No. 2!” ordered Marco as the right head blasted Life Warrior & Adam again.


Adam (LP: 2900) Marco (ATK: 3400)

Adam (LP: 2900) Marco (ATK: 3400)


“That’s it & I end my turn with a face-down,” said Marco as he placed a card into a slot of his Duel Disk.

“My turn,” said Adam, “I play a card known as Life Offering.”

“What does that do?” asked Damataeus.

“Wonderful question, there. When I’m about to Normal Summon any Life monster that’s Level 5 or above, I can pay 1000 Life Points for every & any Release instead of actually Releasing monsters. Therefore, I pay 2000 Life Points to summon…Life End Dragon!” (ATK: 2400)


Adam (LP: 900) Marco (ATK: 3400)

Adam (LP: 900) Marco (ATK: 3400)


Then, a great dragon appeared. It was white & golden with a long mane & it emitted an aura of calmness & alluringness when it was summoned.

“Hmm, that surely reminds me of Penny’s Lightsworn Dragon,” remarked Clair as she gazed at the dragon’s unrivalled beauty.

“That dragon…” thought Marco, “it seems so familiar somehow…”

In a flashback, Marco remembered having a duel against a cloaked duelist. His opponent had 2 warrior monsters on the field.

“I’m Releasing my 2 monsters to summon your end…my Life End Dragon!” shouted the cloaked man as his 2 monsters vanished into a portal & a great dragon flew out.

“Now I attack you with Armageddon Blast!” shouted Adam as Life Force Dragon charged up an energy beam in its mouth.

“Are you crazy? Your dragon’s weaker than mine,” said Marco.

“When my Life End Dragon battles, I can pay up to 2000 Life Points just to power up my dragon by that amount. So, I pay 500 of my remaining Life Points now,” said Adam as his dragon grew stronger. (ATK: 2400~2900)


Adam (LP: 400) Marco (ATK: 3400)

Adam (LP: 400) Marco (ATK: 3400)


Life End Dragon then unleashed a burst of energy that utterly destroyed Cyber Twin Dragon.


Adam (LP: 400) Marco (ATK: 3300)

Adam (LP: 400) Marco (ATK: 3300)


“Now for my dragon’s other ability, when it destroys a monster, you take Damage equal to its attack,” said Adam as Life Force Dragon breathed fire at Marco himself.


Adam (LP: 400) Marco (ATK: 500)

Adam (LP: 400) Marco (ATK: 500)


“I end my turn & place a face-down while I’m at it,” said Adam as a card appeared on the field.

“Hmm, then it’s my turn to shine,” said Marco as he drew his card, “and yes, I will indeed shine. I start off with Proto-Cyber Dragon.” (ATK: 1100)

Then, another mechanical serpentine dragon appeared. Only difference was that this one was much smaller & seemingly older-looking than Cyber Dragon.

“He may be weak, but he’s considered as Cyber Dragon on the field,” said Marco, “now I play Magical Stone Excavation to take a Spell Card from my graveyard to my hand by discarding 2 cards.”

Marco discarded both Cyber Phoenix & Rare Metalmorph to the graveyard & retrieved Polymerization.

“Now I play it,” said Marco.

“But what are you fusing this time,” asked Adam.

“I also play Cybernetic Support Unit, so that I can remove Fusion Material Monsters on my part of the field & in my graveyard from play tp summon…my trump card.”

“So that means he’s fusing Proto-Cyber with the other 2 Cyber Dragons, there’s only 1 thing on Earth that could be that…” claimed Clair.

“Yup, and Duel Energy is speeding unexpectedly,” said Norman, “something big is coming our way.”

The other 2 Cyber Dragons appeared beside Proto-Cyber Dragon for a moment before they entered into a swirl of light. As the light died, a great enormous machine-like dragon appeared. It had 3 different heads & each was cold & fierce-looking. It let a great roar that blew strong winds somehow. (ATK: 4000)

“And that will be your end & my Cyber End Dragon,” said Marco, “Attack now with Super Strident Blast!”

Cyber End Dragon unleashed a powerful stream of energy from each of its 3 mouthes at Life End Dragon.

“I activate the Trap Card Life Gamble,” said Adam, “I can roll a dice by its effect & I can gain Life Points equal to the result times 1000.”

“Woh…that’s so damn broken,” remarked Damataeus.

“Not exactly, during my End Phase, I will lose that exact amount of Life Points,” said Adam as he rolled a dice in his hand.

The dice rolled & rolled across the field & when it stopped, it landed on a 2.


Adam (LP: 2400) Marco (ATK: 500)

Adam (LP: 2400) Marco (ATK: 500)


“So it’s 2000 points more for me,” said Adam, “but they are not sticking with me for long, for I pay 2100 points for my dragon to counter-attack. It ends now!” (ATK: 2400~4500)


Adam (LP: 300) Marco (ATK: 500)

Adam (LP: 300) Marco (ATK: 500)


Life End Dragon then countered Cyber End Dragon’s attack with its attack.

“Oh no, you don’t, I play Cybernetic Zone & remove my Cyber End Dragon from play to skip your counter-attack,” said Marco as Cyber End Dragon vanished.

Life End Dragon’s attack in fact proceeded to harmlessly hit the ground.

“I end my turn & at this moment, this happens!” said Marco as a rumbling sound was heard & Cyber End Dragon re-appeared in a flash, but it was twice as big. (ATK: 8000)

“Doubled attack, but how?” asked Adam.

“In the End Phase, my Cyber End Dragon returns with doubled power & will stay that way too,” said Marco, “My Cyber End Dragon will roar in its eternal glory as we fight side by side!”

Cyber End Dragon roared in response. It was as though it heard what Marco said.

“Then it’s my turn,” said Adam, “and I…”

“In your Standby Phase, I can activate Battle Mania,” said Marco as the card opened.

“Battle Mania! That card forces the opponent to attack this turn no matter what,” exclaimed Norman, who still remembered that card from his duel with Maria.

“Yup, so attack me & Cyber End now. I dare you to, as if you got a choice,” said Marco as Life End Dragon attacked Cyber End Dragon. However, it countered the attack & destroyed Life End Dragon. That final blast was so devastating that it broke off part of Adam’s mask.


Adam (LP: 0) Marco (ATK: 500)

Adam (LP: 0) Marco (ATK: 500)


As the smoke cleared, Marco glanced at Adam & part of true face for a moment.

“That face…it seems so familiar!” thought Marco as he thought of the past…

“Life Blade Master, finish him off!” shouted a cloaked duelist as Life Blade Master slashed Marco & his Life Points dwindled to 0.

Marco then collapsed on the ground & 2 other cloaked men dragged him by his arms. The cloaked duelist took off his hood, which revealed him to be Adam himself. There was also another armored man beside him now & he placed a mask with an emerald on Marco’s face. Before Marco gave in to the mind control, he heard those final words…

“Well done, Gethin. You are doing so well…” said the man

“Thank you, my Lordship,” answered “Adam”.

“Guys, I have other businesses elsewhere, so I’m off for now,” said Adam as he rushed out.

Clair noticed that Marco was staring at Adam to no end & they approached him.

“Why are you staring at Adam?” asked Clair.

“That…that guy…he…was…working with…those who captured me,” replied Marco, whose reply shocked everyone.

“Hey you! Come back here now!” yelled Damataeus, but to no avail.

As they left the building, they saw Kai there. But he was very muddy by then.

“Mom will kill us if you come home like that,” moaned Damataeus.

“I have a shower he can use,” said Norman & Damataeus led Kai in.

“So I did manage to reconcile with you, Cyber End,” said Marco as he looked at the top card f his deck, the Cyber End Dragon.

Meanwhile, in the sky fortress of the Overmind, Adam, or rather Gethin, was reclining on a chair with his broken mask in his hand.

“Oh sheet, he figured it out. I’m certain of it, what should I do now,” muttered Gethin.

“Simple, you shall no longer attend the Pro Leagues & lay low for now,” said Marin who walked in suddenly.

“Sir Marin!” greeted Gethin as he stood nervously, “how did you know?”

“His Highness did & he directed me to inform you now. Do what he says or else…” said Marin.

“Fine then,” said Gethin reluctantly.

“Gethin, I shall advice you as your senior. Don’t doubt for it is the greatest sin to His Highness’ eyes,” said Marin as he walked away.

Also, the book store employee was checking the inventory & realised that something was wrong.

“That’s strange…there is 1 copy of “Key of the Sealed Mind” that is missing. Bestsellers are always missing from the shelves nowadays,” remarked the employee.

At night, Damataeus was reading on a book called “Key of the Sealed Mind”. His father took noticed of that.

“Son, I never knew you had a interest in psychology,” said his father.

“Yeah, today, something happened to spark off that interest,” said Damataeus.


Card of the Day


Cybernetic Zone

Quick-Play Spell

Select 1 face-up Machine-Type Fusion Monster you control and remove it from play until the End Phase of this turn. When that monster is returned to the field double its ATK. During your next Standby Phase, destroy it.


Marco: The Card of the Day is none other than Cybernetic Zone. They say that Zane Truesdale once used it to unleash Cyber End Dragon’s true glory & so did I. By removing a Machine-Type Fusion Monster like Cyber End Dragon for 1 turn, it can return with double the attack. Sadly, that Monster will be destroyed in my next turn. But there are always ways to make your opponents attack instead.


[spoiler=Next Chapter]

Info on Next Chapter

Clair: Adam’s gone missing, so now we are still stumped on the Overmind’s plans. Meanwhile, I was called to the Pro Leagues for my first duel against someone Adam once faced…Monty Fisto! Next on Yu-Gi-Oh Key of the Mind-Chapter 15-Primal Power! Finally, now I can see what the Pro League is made of.



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Well, my character lost, but he HAS beaten Marco off-screen, and since that was a more free/enslavement, i kinda prefer to think it was because Gethin wasn't going his peak :). Not to mention he is going through the pro leagues.


Yeah, i love making excuses.


Anyway, it was quite enjoyable. I notice a few Life cards got tweaked (but i DID give you permission), and a few all-new ones (Life End Dragon, Life Offering, Arms Hole pretty much just sneaked in there as a real card) and in the end, it came to a satisfying ending. I also enjoyed his seeming reluctance to help and the other's disdain of him.


I wonder if Gethin/Adam will appear again?


APART from my character, i did like the Eisenstein reference. and Star Wars reference (can't forget that!). And maybe i missed it before, but a sky fortress? That's just scary.


Anyway, great chapter.

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I enjoyed that chapter alot. I really liked the duel. Interesting to see that Adam is with them.

As I have obviously implied in this chapter, Adam is Gethin, a member of the Overmind's team.

I actually based the alias off some traitor to the US.

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You did? Wow' date=' my reason was way off. I thought it was because in Christianity Adam was the first man, thus the first "Life".


Actually that's also quite logical too.

Gethin took this alias & the Pro League against the Overmind's wishes,thus his surprise when Marin knew of it.

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Ch 15-Primal Power

Ch 15-Primal Power


The next day, Damataeus was still reading “Key of the Sealed Mind” as an emergency news report flashed on the TV.

“We interrupt the pre-scheduled program for this special news bulletin. Aspiring masked sensation, Adam Hiyeya, was reported to be missing with his mask found near an abandoned building. Local authorities are still investigating this case. On the unrelated story, Marco De’Lai & Dox Crowler have been found & will return as active members of the Pro League. This is Mary Willis reporting to you & we return to the pre-scheduled program.”

“That guy…he’s such a chicken that he chickened out at this time,” muttered Damataeus, who was clearly angry by his looks alone & nearly tore off the book.


Meanwhile, Clair was also watching this with Penny & Curtis. Clair looked very worried when she heard the news.

“That’s where Norman lived, will he be ok?” wondered Clair, “and with Adam gone; now we may never know the truth.”


Just then, the telephone rang & Curtis went & answered it. He turned towards Clair.

“It’s for you, from the Pro Leagues,” said Curtis as he handed the phone to Clair.

“Hello?” asked Clair.

“Miss Kinet, this is Gladys. I would like to inform you that your first Pro League match has been confirmed. It will be held tomorrow at the Oregeorgia Nature Reserve at 1pm,” said Gladys over the phone.

“Oh great!” responded Clair enthusiastically, “who is my opponent?”

“I think you would hear of him…he’s Monty Fisto,” said Gladys before she hanged up. Gladys then looked at a photograph nearby. It was a picture of her in a nurse’s uniform & a man in a patient’s gown beside her. The oddest features were that his limbs had a lot of hair. Also, he was barefooted & they seemed to be like hands in some way.

“Don’t worry, I will bring you back to the spotlight when you crushed that brat,” muttered Gladys.

“So what was that?” asked Penny.

“The Pro Leagues had arranged my first duel & it’s with Monty Fisto,” said Clair.

“Hurray! I would like to see you kick ass by then,” said Penny excitedly while Clair felt faint again.


Clair found herself inside a palace. She looked around & assumed it was Egyptian by design & architecture. She saw several men wearing only a cloth headdress & a loincloth pushing a door. She assumed that they were Egyptian guards. Then, the door suddenly broke open & the guards flew away. Behind the broken door was a hideous sight. It was a gigantic blue ogre with a single eye. It carried various weapons with him, a sword in 1 hand & a mace in the other one. On his back, he also carried other weapons too. On its neck, there was a necklace with the Eye of Wdjat & a golden key around it. On its back, there was a rod & a weighing scale, both with the Eye of Wdjat on them. Its single eye was gazing on 3 beings on the far end of the room.

“Millennium Ancient, stay back. We command you!” ordered 1 of the 3 men, who was covered by a cloak & 1 of his eyes was a golden one.

“Once I collect your Millennium Items, I will attain infinity power over darkness. Nothing can stop my destiny now!” yelled the Millennium Ancient as he charged at the 3 men.

The cloaked man & another priest who wore a ring bearing the Eye of Wdjat armed themselves with strange-looking gauntlets that resembled Duel Disks.

“Those things…they look like Duel Disks!” remarked Clair.

“Call forth, my Skull Demon!” yelled the cloaked man & a demonic creature that seemed like a skeletal monster appeared & roared.

“Illusion Magician, I command you to come at my call!” said the other priest as a medium-sized wizard appeared & floated in mid-air.

“Not only the looks, they also worked like Duel Disks too,” said Clair.

“Attack!” ordered the 2 priests as both monsters fired their attacks at the Millennium Ancient. However, the attacks seemed to do nothing at all.

“Your efforts are futile, surrender your Millennium Items now & I may allow you to be my slaves when I conquer the world,” said the beast.

“Not when I am standing, you fiend,” said the last man, who revealed himself as a youth wearing a long cape with an inverted pyramid that also had the Eye of Wdjat on it.

“Pharaoh, we can handle ourselves…” said the priest as he flinched in pain.

“I will handle him,” said the Pharaoh as he revealed that he also had the Duel Disk-like gauntlet on his arm, “I summon the Egyptian God…The Winged Dragon of Ra!”

Suddenly, a yellow light engulfed onto the field & shone radiantly. As the light died down, it revealed a golden seemingly-mechanical dragon appeared. It stared at the Millennium Ancient & he gulped in fear.

“Ra, transcend to Phoenix Form & send this terror to oblivion now!” said the Pharaoh as Ra engulfed itself in flames & it morphed into a form vaguely similar to a phoenix. It then rushed at the Millennium Ancient & burnt to the ground. In mere moments, the beast was gone & all that were left was the 4 Millennium Items.


“Hey Clair!” yelled Penny.

“What!” exclaimed Clair?

“So your duel is where & when?” asked Penny.

“Tomorrow 1pm in the Nature Reserve here,” replied Clair.

“That fast! I better go buy the tickets now! Bro, you’re coming with me,” said Penny as she dragged Curtis by his arm.

“Another vision had gone…something tells to do some research now,” said Clair, “that’s what Norman would do too.”


Later in the day, Clair was online with Marco & Fuyuki beside her. On her lap was a book entitled “Computer Search Engines for Dummies”.

“Fortunately, I brought that with me, or else you will burn your mind away just trying to work this out,” said Marco, “though the Pro League policies would usually not put a match between a rookie & a veteran that has recently lost & on a losing streak still.”

“Bingo! I had it!” exclaimed Clair as they looked at an entry in a blog site called Thoth’s Infinite Library.


The Millennium Ancient is said to be an ancient giant created from the darkness of a murder’s heart. Unlike other Shadow Creatures, it was granted with sentience with the soul of the murder himself. Then, it went on a murderous rampage. Soon, it was said that it heard of the 7 Millennium Items which grant their user with infinite power. As such, he went on to hunt down the various priests who wielded the Millennium Items. He had slain the holders of the Millennium Key, Rod, and Scale & Necklace. When he reached the Palace to take the 3 remaining Items, the Nameless Pharaoh took matters into his own hands & called forth the Egyptian God of Ra to incinerate the Millennium Ancient. It was then said that Priest Aknadin then sealed the soul of the creature within a stone tablet, which was then found by Maximilian Pegasus & made into a card.


“Interesting story, but is it even real to begin with?” remarked Marco, who was quite skeptical about everything.

“Maybe, maybe not? It still remains to be seen,” said Clair as she put the book away.


Meanwhile, at the abandoned building, the police were still investigating the area. In a corner, Norman was peering over them with a worried look on his face.

“Until they go away, I gotta keep things low for now,” thought Norman, “though that mask…it was left behind by Adam or rather Gethin…I could scan the mask for any DNA traces.”

Over in the distance, the Overmind & Blake looked over Norman.

“Blake, your job is to halt that man’s progress,” said the Overmind.

“Yes, my Lordship,” replied Blake as he knelt before the leaving Overmind.


The next day, at the Oregeorgia Nature Reserve, it was crowded with quite a crowd. Penny, Miora & Curtis were just trying to find their seats in the auditorium.

“There are sure a lot of people there,” said Clair as she looked at the crowd coming in.

“That’s because it’s a weekend & people don’t have much time on their hands,” claimed Curtis boringly.

“Don’t be such a wet blanket!” said Miora.

“He might be right,” said a voice.

Penny & Curtis turned around & saw Marco, Fuyuki & Damataeus. They were also sitting there, just below them.

“Like I just said, the Pro Leagues would never arrange a duel with a rookie against a veteran…unless,” said Marco, “hmm, there’s Gladys.”

He focused in the front row of the auditorium. There, Gladys was indeed seated there. She was wearing a red dress, but she was still recognizable.

“What is she doing here?” pondered Marco.

Then, an underground platform appeared on the stage & a man appeared from it. He was apparently in his mid-30s & was wearing a vibrant red suit with a mullet & yellow bowtie. He was holding a microphone in his hand & had an excited look on his face.

“Everybody, listen!” shouted the MC whom everyone then silenced themselves, “today is where a new star shines in this wilderness themselves! On the Blue Corner is an aspiring young greenhorn in the dueling circles, but don’t doubt her just yet! Let’s welcome…Clair Kinet!!”

Following the MC’s cue, Clair rose from a blue platform. She wore her Duel Disk, with the deck loaded. Her face was very excited & waved to the audience. However, most of the audience didn’t clap for her. But that didn’t stop the will of this duelist.

“Well, Clair isn’t the fan favorite. I better go bet on the other guy,” said Curtis as he took out his phone.

“That won’t stop her just yet,” said Penny as she looked at Clair, “I will just bet on Clair myself.”

“And in the Red Corner lies a duelist with quite a history. Entrepreneur-turned-kungfu master-turned-surgeon- turned duelist! Only 1 man have that wacky back-story, he’s the one, the only…Monty Fisto!!!”

A trap door opened at the red corner, but nothing but smoke came out. Suddenly, a speedy being jumped out into the open & did some backflips & somersaults in mid-air. As he landed on the ground, he showed several other kungfu skills as well. The audience cheered madly with coming of Monty. As the smoke cleared, he was revealed to be wearing a simple uniform of blackbelt. The odd thing about him was that his hands & feet were extremely hairy. He had a Duel Disk strapped onto his arm, with a deck loaded in.

“Go for it, Monty,” muttered Gladys as she watched from the sidelines.

“Attention duelists! Now activate your Duel Disks & let’s duel!” shouted the MC as he fled from the main platform.

As such, both of them drew out their opening hand. Monty, however, chose to hold his hand with his foot, which surprised Clair.


Monty (LP: 4000) Clair (LP: 4000)

Monty (LP: 4000) Clair (LP: 4000)


“Clair Kinet is allowed to have the first move,” said the MC.

“Thank you, MC. Now is my turn,” said Clair as she studied her hand, “I summon Psychic Snail in ATK mode.” (ATK: 1900)

Then, a purple-yellow giant snail appeared & made a moaning sound.

“And Clair Kinet had started the duel with a powerful monster right from the start!” commented the MC, “she may be new here, but she’s not letting her guard down!”

“I place 3 cards face-down & end turn,” said Clair as the 3 hidden cards appeared.

“That’s it, even a 3-year can do that,” taunted Monty, “I summon my mighty Berserk Gorilla!” (ATK: 2000)

As such, a red gorilla appeared onto the field & roared in pure anger.

“Urg! What a mad monkey!” remarked Penny?

“Actually a gorilla is an ape, not a monkey,” corrected Curtis.

“And I play Poison Fangs as well,” said Monty, “every time my Beasts damage you, you take 500 more and now…attack now with Fury Fist!”

“I activate my Trap Card, Psychic Healing to gain 1000 Life Points in an instant,” said Clair.


Monty (LP: 4000) Clair (LP: 5000)

Monty (LP: 4000) Clair (LP: 5000)


Berserk Gorilla then charged at Psychic Snail & punched it into shards.


Monty (LP: 4000) Clair (LP: 4400)

Monty (LP: 4000) Clair (LP: 4400)


“Amazing! Although Monty Fisto just drew out the first blood of the duel, Clair still remains in the lead,” exclaimed the MC.

“I place 1 card face-down & end turn,” said Monty.

“My turn,” said Clair, “I will now summon my Mental Protector to shield me for now.” (DEF: 2200)

The robotic defender appeared onto the field, with both its arms shielding itself.

“Defending! We want to see some action here!” yelled someone in the audience, followed by other people saying the same thing as well.

“Why they…I would pound them to the ground…”said Penny, who was angered by such actions.

“Take it easy. Those things happen a lot in the world of professional dueling. You have to put up a good show to watch above all, even if you have no enjoyment out of it,” explained Marco.

“That’s…I’m speechless,” appalled Penny.

“I thought everyone knew that by now,” said Curtis, seemingly out of spite.

“But I am still sure that Clair can still work it,” said Miora, whose words reassured Penny & she calmed down at last.

“Besides, Mental Protector’s effect stops monsters with at most 2000 Attack Points from attacking & Berserk Gorilla must always attack whenever possible, or else it gets destroyed,” said Damataeus.

“My turn,” said Monty, “I will now shift my Gorilla to Defense Mode.”

To everyone’s surprise, Monty just moved Berserk Gorilla’s card & the ape knelt in defense. However, it couldn’t do it & shattered. Only Gladys remained calm when she saw this act.

“He’s doing it,” thought Gladys as she looked at Monty.

“And now, when a Beast-Type monster is destroyed, I can pay 1000 Life Points to Special Summon this guy…” said Monty as he placed a card down & shrieked like a monkey gone mad.


Monty (LP: 3000) Clair (LP: 4400)

Monty (LP: 3000) Clair (LP: 4400)


Then, a giant green ape wearing some primitive armor appeared. It was holding a huge club on 1 hand & beat its chest upon its summoning. (ATK: 2600)

“A-A-Ah! Monty has destroyed his own monster just to summon Green Baboon, Defender of the Forest!” exclaimed the MC as she sweated at Green Baboon’s summoning, “A most brilliant tactic to counter Mental Protector’s effect.”

“But that’s not all just yet,” said Monty, “I play Ancient Rules!”

The card image appeared onto the field.

“Ancient Rules!” exclaimed Penny, who still remembered that card.

“With that card in play, Monty can summon any Normal Monster in his hand,” explained the MC.

“Such as…the almighty Sengenjin!” continued Monty as a blue ogre appeared onto the field. Clair was shocked at the creature as that was what she saw in that vision yesterday. (ATK: 2750)

“That’s the Millennium Ancient!” thought Clair as she saw the monster.

“Amazed, but I play my Trap Card Call of the Haunted,” said Monty, “I can summon a monster from my graveyard, since there’s only 1 there, care to make a guess.”

Clair remained silent at this.

“He’s big, angry & burning with eternal rage…the Berserk Gorilla!” shouted Monty as Berserk Gorilla re-appeared again, much angrier than before somehow.

“Oh my God! Monty has just summoned 3 monsters with at least 2000 Attack Points! I s Clair doomed?” exclaimed the MC.

“Let’s go! Green Baboon, attack Mental Protector with Hammer Club Death!” yelled Monty as Green Baboon swung its club at Mental Protector & destroyed it.

“Now I double my efforts with Berserk Gorilla, who can attack now. Attack her directly with Fury Fist!” shouted Monty again as Berserk Gorilla punched Clair directly.


Monty (LP: 3000) Clair (LP: 1900)

Monty (LP: 3000) Clair (LP: 1900)


“She took extra damage…but how?” wondered Miora.

“That’s because Poison Fangs is still on the field,” said Fuyuki, “but if Sengenjin’s attack hits, Clair’s doomed.”

“Without further ado, Sengenjin will attack you as well!” commanded Monty as the ogre charged at Clair.

“I activate Confusion Chaff,” said Clair as the card activated.

Light is then shone from the card & Sengenjin was engulfed by it. After the light died down, Sengenjin charged at Berserk Gorilla & smashed it.


Monty (LP: 2250) Clair (LP: 1900)

Monty (LP: 2250) Clair (LP: 1900)


“What a close call! Clair’s Confusion Chaff forced Sengenjin to attack Berserk Gorilla instead,” said the MC as he spun around in excitement.

“End turn,” Monty said.

“Monty, tell me what’s with you,” requested Clair.

“You want to know, do you?” replied Monty, “I was once multi-billionaire in his business, but that life was boring. So I entered into martial arts, particularly monkey-style kungfu. One day, I have come across knowledge of secret styles & sacrificed my limbs in the process. In turn, I was granted these,” said Monty as he held out his hands & feet for all to see, “so I entered to surgery to amend this problem, but couldn’t. In the end, a nurse there advised me to learn dueling & it was great.”

Clair just stared at him, with her eyes glowing.

“And that nurse soon became a worker of the Pro Leagues, Gladys,” said Clair, “thanks for the information, I’m sure she would love to hear it.”

“That…brat!” exclaimed Gladys, who heard everything.

“Excuse me?” asked someone beside her.

“Oh, it’s nothing,” replied Gladys, as though she knew nothing.

“I draw & play Psycho Trigger to draw 2 cards,” said Clair as she had amassed 3 cards to her hand.

“She’s placing her trust in that deck of hers, it seems,” inferred Fuyuki.

“Let’s hope she gets what she wants,” said Penny as she bit her fingers.

“Penny, don’t do that. I t won’t be my fault if you wind up sick,” taunted Curtis cockily.

“I will start off with Mind Master!” said Clair as the floating creature appeared. (ATK: 100) It flew & around & beeped at Clair, in which Clair smiled.

“Followed by a card called Mind Control to take over your Green Baboon for this turn only,” said Clair as Green Baboon vanished & re-appeared at Clair’s side of the field.

“Green Baboon may be powerful, but it couldn’t attack nor be Released. So what’s Clair gonna to do now?” said the MC.

“Mr MC, I’ll show you now! I tune the Level 1 Mind Master with the Level 7 Green Baboon to Synchro Summon…Thought Ruler Archfiend!” yelled Clair as the 2 monsters converted into stars & they merged to form a demonic figure. (ATK: 2700)

“I never thought to actually see this from a newbie…Synchro Monsters!!!” exclaimed the MC & the crowd then cheered at Clair.

“Maybe she could win now,” said Penny.

“But Sengenjin’s still stronger,” said Damataeus.

“I play the Spell Card called Ancient Ceremonial Telekinesis,” said Clair as the card appeared, showing a female android with a struggling expression.

“Ancient…Ceremonial…Telekinesis…” muttered the MC as he scanned through a book called “Duelist Compendium: Vol. 6.2”.

“Here we go, according to the manual, that card destroys 1 monster if there were a Psychic monster,” said the MC, “but that means…”

The space in the arena warped & Sengenjin shattered into pixels.


Monty (LP: 2250) Clair (LP: 900)

Monty (LP: 2250) Clair (LP: 900)


“However, Clair would lose out 1000 Points for such a move,” said Marco, “but Monty’s field has been cleared at last.”

“Now, Thought Ruler Archfiend with attack you with Mental Lightning Strike!” shouted Clair as Thought Ruler Archfiend struck Monty with a blast of lightning.


Monty (LP: 0) Clair (LP: 900)

Monty (LP: 0) Clair (LP: 900)


“With this attack, Clair has won her match!” declared the MC as the audience cheered like mad.

“They love Clair now,” said Miora.

“The crowd can be hypocritical sometimes,” claimed Marco.

“Oh great, now I lost my bets!” moaned Curtis.

Clair walked up to Monty & shook his simian hand.

“That was a great duel,” said Clair.

“Much obliged, my girl,” said Monty, “but rest assured that I will win…next time.”

“And the 2 competitors engaged in newly-formed friendship! Such sportsmanship should be applauded on!” yelled the MC as the audience cheered once again.

“My first duel…and it’s already a success,” said Clair.

“You have the skills & luck, but more skills,” said Monty, who was smiling at her.


Among the audience, only 1 person weren’t applauding. 1 of them was Gladys, who left the area immediately after Monty’s defeat. She was strolling along the reserve alone.

“That…that…brat…ruined everything!” shouted Gladys.

“Now, now, there’s a solution for everything,” said a voice, coming from behind.

Gladys turned around & saw Marin, wearing a grayish tuxedo. He had deceivingly calm & sly look on his face.

“My dear, I can feel your pain. The darkness in your heart is overwhelming. Let me lift them for you,” said Marin as his eyes glowed.


Card of the Day

Ancient Ceremonial Telekinesis

Normal Spell

Activate only if you control at least 1 face-up Psychic-Type monster. Destroy 1 card on the field, and take 1000 damage.


Clair: The Card of the Day is called Ancient Ceremonial Telekinesis. It only works when I’ve got a Psychic Monster with me. I can destroy 1 monster, but need to ay a price for it…a grand’s worth of Life Points. But it’s worth it sometimes.


[spoiler=Next Chapter]

Info on Next Chapter

Clair: As I rest from my first victory that sealed my place in the Pro Leagues, Gladys came to me. But there’s something odd about her. There’s rage within her & they seemed to be forced out. Next on Yu-Gi-Oh Key of the Mind-Ch 16-Heal the Eternal Pain! One of my advantages has been used against me now, this could get tough.

Marin: My Lordship will be pleased with the results of today.



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"The Millennium Ancient is said to be an ancient giant created from the darkness of a murder’s heart. Unlike other Shadow Creatures, it was granted with sentience with the soul of the murder himself."


that kinda confused me, a murder's heart? You meant a murderer's heart? A victim of a murder's heart?


"In mere moments, the beast was gone & all that were left was the 4 Millennium Items."


perhaps take out 'the', i dunno.


Heh, a snail has 1900 attack? You'd think it would be more of a defender. Can't say it is a 'mistake' though, your choice.


Confusion Chaff, GREAT idea for a card, a chaff is what they use to confuse missiles to redirect them right? Or is that a flare... meh, still.


Heh, monkey-man. Isn't that off a cartoon...


I find it interesting that you haven't revealed the abilities of "Thought Ruler Archfiend" and "Mind Master" (I'm pretty sure they would both have an ability...)


“Here we go, according to the manual, that card destroys 1 monster if there were a Psychic monster,” said the MC,"


Umm... but at the end you say it's ANY card.


Anyway, i hope this helps. Good job. It was a short and sweet intense duel, each turn having one comeback or another.


Edit: Wait... Psychic Snail is a REAL card? Ouch...

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Ch 16-Heal the Eternal Pain

Ch 16-Heal the Eternal Pain


In the Police Station downtown, several officers were lazily relaxing in their office & happily eating their doughnuts. Suddenly, the air conditioner released some weird gas & everyone there fell asleep. After all the cops there had fallen into slumber, the door clicked open & Norman wearing his gas mask walked inside.

“That was rather…easy, what are they teaching young cops nowadays?” remarked Norman as he scanned the area & the sleeping cops.


Meanwhile, Clair & Monty were still in the Nature Reserve. They were inside a small café inside & were discussing over dueling tactics & a small tabletop duel.

“Hmm, you are surely a great one,” commented Monty, “you will have a great future here, I’m certain of it.”

Clair only smiled at the compliment. “Thanks,” she said.

All of the sudden, Gladys walked in the scene. However, her face was pale-looking & bared no emotion. She was wearing a Duel Disk on her

left arm. With her was a man similar to the blue knight Clair & the others had encountered once.

“It’s you! You’re that knight!” Clair exclaimed immediately.

“Yes indeed. I am Marin Defleto, the Knight of Chaos,” replied Marin as he took a bow.

“Gladys, where were you just now?” asked Monty.

However, Gladys won’t reply. Instead, she turned towards Clair with a menacing glare.

“Duel me,” said Gladys.

“Not until I get answers,” said Clair.

“Do what she says, she craves for it,” said Marin, “or I could just eliminate her.”

“Fine, I will play your game,” complied Clair, “don’t worry, Monty. She’ll be safe.”

Monty took a card out from his robes & shuffled it along with the rest of Clair’s deck. After which, he gave the deck & Duel Disk to Clair & both of them readied their Disks & opening hands.


Gladys (LP: 4000) Clair (LP: 4000)[/align]


“I will start off things,” said Gladys as she drew her card, “by playing Happy Lover.” (ATK: 800)

A miniature flying angel with a heart-shaped mark appeared onto the field. It squealed with happiness as it appeared.

“And I play the Equip Spell called Promotion to increase this card’s Level by 2,” said Gladys as the card appeared, showing a soldier being knighted by a king. (LV: 2~4)

“That’s odd. Why would she increase her monster’s Levels?” wondered Monty.

“There’s a reason for everything, Monty,” replied Marin.

“I place 2 cards face-down & end turn,” said Gladys.

“My draw!” said Clair, “I will now summon my Psychic Commander.” (ATK: 1400)

A soldier-like demon on a flying saucer of some kind appeared & it snickered.

“I will attack your monster now & use his effect to pay up to 500 Life Points just to weaken your monster by that amount,” said Clair. (ATK: 800~300)


Gladys (LP: 2900) Clair (LP: 3500)[/align]


“Now that you have destroyed my Happy Lover, I can play my Trap Card,” said Gladys as the card opened, showing an angel in a heaven-styled background. However, the angel there had several demonic features & there was a flaming hole in the background, “my Fall from Grace Trap Card, that is.”

“What in San Hill?” exclaimed Monty?

“That Trap only works when a Fairy Monster is destroyed,” said Gladys, “I can now remove it from play to summon a Dark Fiend or Dark Fairy that has the same Level as the destroyed monster like…”

Then, Happy Lover re-appeared again, but it was very angry & upset this time. It was then engulfed in darkness. As the darkness died down, a new form emerged. It was clearly a female humanoid with 6 scythe-like wings. Her entire body was wrapped by bandages. (ATK: 1400)

“Behold…Nurse Reficule the Fallen One,” said Gladys.

“I place 2 cards face-down,” said Clair.

“My turn,” said Gladys, “I summon the Burning Algae in Attack Mode.” (ATK: 500)

A mini-tree appeared onto the field. It was seemingly on fire & its bark had a twisted expression on it.

“I activate the Trap Card called Next To Be Lost to send another Burning Algae to my graveyard,” said Gladys as she discarded it, “by the way, when Burning Algae goes into the graveyard, my opponent would gain 1000 Life Points.”

“That’s quite…useless,” said Clair, “isn’t the point of the game to decrease the other guy’s Life Points to 0?”

“Would be, but Reficule’s effect is called Anti-Cure & it can reverse all effects that gain Life Points,” said Monty.

“Say what!” Clair exclaimed as she glowed with blue aura, but was transferred to Reficule & shot back to her as damage.


Gladys (LP: 2900) Clair (LP: 2500)

Gladys (LP: 2900) Clair (LP: 2500)


“I play my Trap Card called Brutal Potion, it becomes an Equip Card & now bound with my Reficule,” Gladys said as chains & collars were formed on Reficule’s hands & neck, “whenever you take Effect Damage, Reficule gains 1000 Attack Points for this turn.” (ATK: 1400~2400)

“Now I shall attack you with my Burning Algae,” said Gladys as Burning Algae rushed at Psychic Commander, only to be obliterated by Psychic Commander’s counter-attack.

“You’re sending your monsters to death!” exclaimed Clair.

“Don’t forget that you stand to gain Life Points or rather, lose them at this point,” said Marin.


Gladys (LP: 2000) Clair (LP: 1500)

Gladys (LP: 2000) Clair (LP: 1500)


“Now, my Reficule takes her turn. Attack with Infectious Wrap!” ordered Gladys as Reficule unleashed a wave of red energy towards Psychic Commander.

“I can still pay up my Life Points to weaken your Reficule,” said Clair as she struggled with the odds. (ATK: 2400~1900)


Gladys (LP: 2000) Clair (LP: 1000)

Gladys (LP: 2000) Clair (LP: 1000)


“Not your monster is still weaker,” remarked Gladys as Reficule destroyed Psychic Commander.


Gladys (LP: 2000) Clair (LP: 500)

Gladys (LP: 2000) Clair (LP: 500)


“I place a card face-down,” said Gladys, “your move.” (ATK: 1900~1400)

“My face-down card is Dark Cure, which allows the opponent to gain Life Points when she Summons something, but Reficule’s effect will damage her instead,” thought Gladys, “she doesn’t stand a chance now.”

“Clair’s Psychic monsters need Life Points payment for their effects, so Clair have to be careful from now on,” thought Monty.

Clair looked at the other 3 cards in her hand, namely Heal Waver, Ancient Ceremonial Telekinesis & Mind Master.

“I can’t use them at all, & my face-down Psychic Rejuvenation will just destroy me if I use it,” thought Clair, “guess everything rests on what I draw now.”

“Let’s go!” shouted Clair as she drew her card, “I play Graceful Charity to draw 3 cards for 2 cards.”

Clair then drew 3 cards & discarded Heal Waver & Senri Eye.

“I summon Mind Master now,” said Clair as her favorite monster appeared. (ATK: 100)

“I activate Dark Cure,” announced Gladys, “now you gain Life Points equal to half of Mind Master’s Attack or rather lose them.”

“Mind Master only has 100 Points, so no big deal,” retorted Clair.


Gladys (LP: 2000) Clair (LP: 450)

Gladys (LP: 2000) Clair (LP: 450)


“And now, Reficule grows stronger due to Brutal Potion,” said Gladys. (ATK: 1400~2400)

Mind Master beeped at Clair, as though it were apologizing to her.

“I play the Equip Spell called Unstable Evolution,” said Clair as a card showing a stone slab with the silhouettes of an ape, a man & an alien-like creature appeared, “since my Life Points are lower than yours, my Mind Master’s Attack becomes 2400.” (ATK: 100~2400)

“That card…its Monty’s!” exclaimed Gladys.

“So both monsters are now equals to strength,” stated Marin.

“But not for long for I activate Megamorph as well,” said Clair.

“But that doubles the original attack strength only, so it’s useless,” said Marin.

“On the contrary, 2400 is the original Attack due to Unstable Evolution’s effect,” said Monty.

“But, that means 1 attack will end this!” exclaimed Marin.

“Attack becomes 4800, my friend,” said Clair as Mind Master glowed with strength, (ATK: 2400~4800) “attack Reficule with your Mind-bending Shockwave!”

Mind Master unleashed electrical rays at Reficule & destroyed her.


Gladys (LP: 0) Clair (LP: 450)

Gladys (LP: 0) Clair (LP: 450)


Gladys then fainted & fell onto the ground, tired & wore out. At this, Monty & Clair walked up to her & he picked up her.

“I’ll get her to the infirmary ASAP,” said Monty as he jumped out of sight.

Clair looked around for Marin, the so-called “Knight of Chaos”. However, he had already disappeared.

“Arg…back to square one twice,” complained Clair as she felt faint again.

It was apparently dusk at that time & Norman was in a duel with a knight-like person. A shroud of darkness rose as a draconic monster rose from the darkness…

“Norman!” exclaimed Clair as she ran off as fast as she could, hoping that it wouldn’t come true…yet.


At the Police Station, Norman was still searching the mask in the Evidence Room. He had poured out boxful of things, but still couldn’t find. Then, he kicked a box nearby out of frustration & overturned it, revealing that the mask was in there. Norman took it & placed it in a small sack as he left.


Card of the Day

Unstable Evolution

Equip Spell

If your Life Points are lower than your opponent's, the equipped monster's original ATK becomes 2400. If your Life Points are higher than your opponent's, the equipped monster's original ATK becomes 1000.


Monty: The Card of the Day is none other than my Unstable Evolution Card. Its power depends mainly on who has the higher Life Points here. If it’s your opponent, the equipped monster’s Attack becomes 2400. However, if yours are higher, that monster Attack becomes 1000. By the way, the new Attack is the original Attack.


[spoiler=Next Chapter]

Info on Next Chapter

Norman: My mission here is to find that mask that I’m certain that it will help my investigations. Everything was fine until he showed up. Next on Yu-Gi-Oh Key of the Mind-Ch 17-Darkest Hour!

Blake: Despair under my wrath!



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Woah, i reviewed the last chapter just in time!


ok, let's have a looksie.


“Not your monster is still weaker,” remarked Gladys as Reficule destroyed Psychic Commander.


missed the 'e' in 'Note'.


The start of the duel was strange... why "Happy Lover" instead of any other fairy? Meh, still works.


Anyway, good job.

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Woah' date=' i reviewed the last chapter just in time!


ok, let's have a looksie.


“Not your monster is still weaker,” remarked Gladys as Reficule destroyed Psychic Commander.


missed the 'e' in 'Note'.


The start of the duel was strange... why "Happy Lover" instead of any other fairy? Meh, still works.


Anyway, good job.


Ok, I will just tell you.


Gladys has some form of crush on Monty & Happy Lover supposedly represents Gladys' love for Monty. How it was destroyed & fueled for Reficule's summoning is like how it is lost within her darkness.

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Makes sense. Can't wait to see Norman to duel again' date=' it would be somewhat ironic if we saw him use Gemini monsters somewhere, to represent his ideals that all psychics aren't bad (Gemini monsters can be normal OR effect).


How did you know that?

I was planning that too myself.

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