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Yu-Gi-Oh Key of the Mind (FINISHED)


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Characters for fanfic:

[spoiler=Good Guys]

Name: Clair Kinet

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Allegiance: Good guys (heroine)

Appearance: redhead, green eyes, wears red blouse & black skirt & black tights

Deck: Psychic

Favourite Card: Mental Master

Trump Card: Astral Plane Dragon

Bio: She had an unique psychic ability that resulted in a prosecution which led to her being in hiding. She then grew up in her friend's family's basement where she passed time with Duel Monsters. During that period, she encountered the Duel Spirit of Mental Master whom later became her Spirit Partner. Her power is basic telepathy & telekinesis, though they can't work on the opponent during duels.


Name: Penny Dales

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Allegiance: Good

Appearance: white blouse & dark blue jeans, blond, blue eyes

Deck: Lightsworn

Favourite Card: Gragonith

Trump Card: Judgment Dragon

Bio: A childhood child of Clair. Her family had promised to protect Young Clair from the mob of angry men. She is very close to Clair & would help her in any way.


Name: Miora Nemnia

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Allegiance: Good

Appearance: Dark blue eyes, a black belly shirt, tight leather jeans, and shiny black hair that reaches down to her butt. (Sorry about the word.)

Deck: Exodia

Favourite Card: Exodia

Trump Card: Exodia

Bio: She is Penny's friend who came to know Clair. She had been aware of Clair's psychic abilities, but fakes her ignorance.


Name: Curtis Dales

Gender: male

Age: 21

Allegiance: good guy

Appearance: black hair,green eyes wears blue t-shirt and blue jeans and a white cap

Deck: destiny hero/warriors

Favourite Card: destiny hero - dasher

Trump Card: destiny hero - dogma

Bio: He's Penny's older brother. He is frequently suspicious of Clair & other people in general. He is willing to protect his family at all costs.


Name: Fuyuki Kutsukio

Gender: Male



Appearance:Blond Hair, Wears a green jacket and blue pants

Deck: D.D. Deck

Favorite Card:Golden Homunculus

Trump Card:Helios Trice Megistus

Bio:He grew up alone with no one, but, for some reason always seems happy and down to earth.

He has always wondered about the Sky and Space, wondering if there are more Dimmensions out there. He spends a lot of his time daydreaming and drawing, he duels occasionally. He is also a psychic, possessing the power of dimension control.




Name: Norman White (my character)

Gender: Male

Age: 41

Allegiance: Neutral

Appearance: white trenchcoat & boots,black hair & eyes

Deck: Vanilla Beatdown

Favourite Card: Gene-Warped Warwolf

Trump Card: Spiral Serpent

Bio: He was once a cop who pursued the Psychics many years ago. However, he was fired for his obbession with destroying the psychics no matter what. Currently, he is a freelance detective who vows to track down & kill off all remaining psychics.


Name: Marco De'Lai

Gender: Male

Age: 12

Allegiance: Neutral (Gets turned to Good)

Appearance: Short, bright blonde hair, always wears ragged clothes. Has a robotic Arm

Deck: Cyber Revolution

Favourite Card: Chimera-tech over dragon

Trump Card: Chimera-tech Over Dragon

Bio: He is a Pro-League duelist who once disappeared. Actually, he was captured by the Organisation as a servant. Nearly died to the organizations. Lost his arm & some of his memories escaping. Has flashbacks of his time in the Organisation every so often. Wants answers to find out why they took him. Acts like Axel, likes danger.


Matt Tucker

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Alience: Bad

Appearence: Blond, tall, muscly with a tan

Deck: Gladiator Beast Field Control

Fav Card: Bestiari

Trump Card: Gyzarus

Bio: He is a bully who would challenge duelists crossing a back alley to an Ante Duel. He was once a good duelist, but defected when a member of the Organisation defeated him. It was odd that he still was not in their control afterwards, but it may be related to his deck...


Name: Kai De'Lai

Gender: Male

Age: 11

Allegiance: Neutral

Appearance: Same as Marco, only Vibrant Red hair

Deck: Beatdown Here

Favourite Card: United we stand

Trump Card: United we stand

Bio: Macro's younger brother. He is very troubled by his brother's disappearance & tries to find on a few occasions. He treasures his cards a lot as they were given to him by his brothers.


Name: Damataeus De'Lai

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Allegiance: Neutral

Appearance: Same as Marco, only Vibrant Blue hair

Deck: Burn Here

Favourite Card: lava Golem

Trump Card: Lava Golem

Bio: Marco's Older brother, he is tall for his age. He is quite a sore loser at times. Since Macro's disappearance, his parents believe that it was because of him that he was lost.


Name: Dario Vertz

Gender: Male

Age: 8

Allegiance: Not sure about this, maybe a bad guy that turns into the good side (or at least that's my idea).

Appearance: A little boy, with light green hair, he is always carrying a teddy bear, his normal outfit is made of old blue jeans, green sneakers, a red shirt with the letters "Yu-Gi-Oh!", and a green jacket. His hair is a little like Joey's, but in light green.

Deck: Indignation of the Souls

Favourite Card: Huge Revolution

Trump Card: Guardian Angel Joan*

Bio: This kid has been alone almost all his life, when he was born he was kdinnaped because the Organization discovered about his amazing psychic powers, althought he is only a kid his psychic powers are stronger than most members in the organization, he never met his mom or dad, so no one has ever show love, or something like that so he can't express any feelings, not even sadness nor happiness. This kid is manipulated by The Overmind, and not using psychic powers, but using his lack of feelings and illusions, The Overmind tells Dario that someday he will find his family if he does what he is telling to do. His main power is to manipulate one's emotions. He used it to make people around him feel fear, thus making him seemingly dangerous & threatening even to the higher-ups in the Organisation itself.



[spoiler=Bad guys]

Name: The Overmind (my character)

Gender: ? (assumed to be male)

Age: (assumed to be 40+)

Allegiance: Bad Guys (Leader)

Appearance: a figure who's fully covered in armor with a blood red cape. The head piece is shaped like a cranium.


Favourite Card: None

Trump Card:

Bio: He is the enigmatic leader of an organisation that threatens to conquer the world. He seems to be interested at Clair for a reason...

His powers include pyrokinesis & mainly mind control,which can only be used on a weak-minded person or someone who lost a duel with him.


Name: Blake Dynn

Gender: Male

Age: 27

Allegiance: BAD GUY

Appearance: black spikey hair, light red eyes, wears a suit

Deck: DARK

Favourite Card: Armageddon Knight

Trump Card: Rainbowdark Dragon

Bio: A man who has suffered greatly during his lifetime. At the age of 4, his mother died. His father was murdered at the age of 6. And finally at the age of 9, his younger sister (his only remaining family member) was kiddnapped. After all this , darkness covered his heart. No good, no feelings for anyone. He then gained dark abilities as his darkness was too strong. He was very powerful, no-one dared to defy him. All he wants, is for others to feel the pain and agony he felt as a child. Which is why he joined the organasation. His main power is to inflict pain to anyone he wishes.


Name:Gethin Ira

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Allegiance: Organization

Appearance: Lightly tanned skin with a decent amount of muscle, dark blue eyes, light brown hair. He wears jeans and a plain grey shirt.

Deck: Toughy... Either an original deck called "Life Deck" or any deck of your choosing.

Favourite Card: if life deck, "Life Warrior"

Trump Card: If Life Deck, "Life Arena".

Bio: Once an honest-working boy. He began wanting to strive for greater things. He was discovered to be psychic at a young age and his parents were fine about it, they treated him well. His main power is healing & telepathy. One day, he heard about an Organization" and how they were going to rule the world. Thinking it sounded 'cool' he decided to join in. It didn't take too long for him to realize that these people were serious business and he began to doubt why he was there. He considered leaving but knew what might happen to him if he did, after all, the organization didn't want any loose ends...

So he remained. He rarely used his powers, causing quite a few members to see him as 'little better then the rest of the inferior trash.' He became quiet, and tried to avoid as many missions as possible.


Name: Marin Defleto

Gender: Male

Age: 28

Allegiance: (which side you're on) Organization

Appearance: Pale Skin, black hair, wears a white tuxedo and a black shirt and black shoes and a very cool white hat with a black stripe across it

Deck: (send me decklist by PM) Chaos-End Synchro

Favourite Card:Chaos-End Master

Trump Card: Stardust Dragon

Bio: A strange man who lived in a quiet country town. Growing up he was isolated from the other children because of his strange powers. But one day he just snapped and blew up every glass object in the neighbourhood, then he ran away from the town and never returned. His twisted mind became more and more evil and finally he came across the organization and joined it to take over the world. His Dark Powers are a little less then the overmind but not much less. But his loyalty to the overmind keeps him from trying to overthrow him. No one dares to oppose him because everyone that has, has been Mind Crushed. But his main power is Manipulation of Shadows. He can create illusion to trick his enemies.



Note: I have changed the characters slightly to fit the loose ends of my story together.




There are 2 groups of the Homo Sapiens AKA the human race: the Homo Normas AKA the regular beings & the Homo Superius AKA the Psychics. They possess powers that people could only imagine. No one truly knows of their origins, but it was said to be related with the so-called "Shadow Games" played by the Nameless Pharaoh, who might had been an early Psychic himself. Throughout time, Psychics have kept themselves hidden from the world. In the year of 2060, the knowledge of the Psychics were known to the public. Some welcomed the Psychics, but there were a few who believed their presense to be a threat to the world. Soon, a secret plan & order was made to eradicate the whole world of the Psychics. Psychics everywhere were prosecuted by the masses, the church & governments. They were rounded up to be killed or simply killed on the spot. No one was spared from this fate, not even a little girl...


"Run!" shouted an adult woman as she held a girl's hand tightly.


In the distant & quiet town of Oregeorgia, a chase began. The townspeople were carrying weapons of all kinds. A man who seems to be leading the chase shouted, "Men, charge & rid us of these evils!" The people simply followed the command blindly.


"Arg...you forced me," cried the running woman as she turned around & her eyes glowed for a moment as the earth forms a barrier between her & the townspeople. The townspeople were forced to go another way for they cannot let the "witch" escape.


A few hours later, inside a deserted church, the woman & girl took refuge in it. The girl grew tired & took a nap. Later, a couple & another child walked into the church. They apparently expected the mother & child there.


"Cassandra, are you willing to do..." asked the man, only to be interrupted.


"Certainly, just take care of Clair for me," the woman called Cassandra said, "in these times, she's not safe with..."


Her speech was cut short by a vision: There, she saw the townspeople all marching towards the church.


Her facial expression turned to one of fear & said to the couple there, "The prosecutors are coming towards us! You guys leave now with Clair, while I distract them."


The other woman then said, "Please! There's another way...", but was interrupted by Cassandra as she formed a dome-shaped mold for the them as she went outside to confront the mob.


"Look at the church gate! It's the witch!" shouted 1 townsman.


The whole crowd soon gave chase. Cassandra then charged head-on at the crowd. The leader of the group took out a pistol & shot Cassandra at her chest. She paused for a moment before collapsing. The mob cheered & marched back town in triumph as they vanquished an evil.


Just then, the earth molds broke apart & the couple inside there went out & saw Cassandra lying dead on the ground. They wept for her.


"We can't let her sacrifice be in vain, let's take Clair with us," said the woman.


"But it had to be done secretly or else..." said the man as he took the sleeping girl & guided her & the other girl into a car. It then took off to the road.


Info on Next Chapter

Clair: For the last 10 years, I have stayed in the basement of Uncle Louis & Aunt Layla. I'm grown up now & it's high-time that I come out & show my face to the world. Next on Yu-Gi-Oh Key of the Mind, Chapter 1-Fight for the Light!

Penny: Come on, Clair. If you want your freedom, you gotta earn it first.


(Clair lying on her bed, feeling very bored)

(Clair holding her deck, with Mental Master at the top & its Spirit form near Clair herself)

(Penny drawing a card)

(A burst of light appears & engulfed the whole field as an shadowed monster appears)

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Cool i control dimmensions ^^


It's Great! for a start anyway!


I look forward to the Pilot issue of Yu-Gi-Oh Key of the Mind

reference from your D.D Deck,but don't get too excited.

The power is currently limited & drains a lot of energy in the process.

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Thats what I call a prolouge. Great work! If this phychic were getting killed, why didn't they fight back? Really good and interesting. About time you wrote your own fanfic. But too early to give you a rate yet. Keep up to good work.

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this is indeed an interesting start to a fan fic. and i do see potential, so i am going to go into as much detail as possible to help with further chapters, if thats alright with you. ^_^


One thing i noticed a lot was that you rush what you want to happen. This is easy to do, but remember that it takes a whole lot less time to read a sentence then it takes to write it.


and another thing i noticed was that your dialogue between the characters seems half finished. You dont have very many words, and those that you do write seem to not finish a thought. This might be because you want it that way, or you have the connecting words in your mind, and it would make sense to you. You just have to remember to think from the perspective of another person, like someone here on the forum, and think: would they understand this the way i have written it?


now dont get downhearted. I am only trying to help, and i think that you have a really good start to your fan fic, you just need to slow down, and add more dialogue. ^_^


when you do this, it will be spot on.


i hope i helped with this, because i so see potential in this fan fic, and with your writing.



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Healing an telepathy hey? Sounds pretty good to me.


ok, now that's out of the way, the prologue...


Thinking about the story, it is marginally like X-Men and Mutants...


Seriously though, the prologue was nice, i like the brief summary of what is going on.


Another thing i like is the mob and the 'witch'. It is so much like the dark ages, shows how humanity has changed surprisingly little...


But then there was the gun :)


so yeah, going great.

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Healing an telepathy hey? Sounds pretty good to me.


ok' date=' now that's out of the way, the prologue...


Thinking about the story, it is marginally like X-Men and Mutants...


Seriously though, the prologue was nice, i like the brief summary of what is going on.


Another thing i like is the mob and the 'witch'. It is so much like the dark ages, shows how humanity has changed surprisingly little...


But then there was the gun :)


so yeah, going great.


yeah,I based it off like that show

The "witch" thing clearly shows that the plan to eradicate psychics was so rampart that it drove men to their primal states.

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Kale: Thanks for the advice' date='that's why I PMed you in the 1st place.



your welcome. ^_^


And if you would like more advise, dont hesitate to ask. ^_^

After seeing your fanfic,I'll willing to ask a veteran for any advice. I'm trying to get Chapter 1 written so far. It'll be out by the end of the week or next week.

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Kale: Thanks for the advice' date='that's why I PMed you in the 1st place.



your welcome. ^_^


And if you would like more advise, dont hesitate to ask. ^_^

After seeing your fanfic,I'll willing to ask a veteran for any advice. I'm trying to get Chapter 1 written so far. It'll be out by the end of the week or next week.


a veteran? Dont make me sound old.... XD I am still a teenager, afterall....


And it is the same for my next chapter, although I think it will be done before Friday.


Good luck with writing your chapter. ^_^

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Kale: Thanks for the advice' date='that's why I PMed you in the 1st place.



your welcome. ^_^


And if you would like more advise, dont hesitate to ask. ^_^

After seeing your fanfic,I'll willing to ask a veteran for any advice. I'm trying to get Chapter 1 written so far. It'll be out by the end of the week or next week.


a veteran? Dont make me sound old.... XD I am still a teenager, afterall....


And it is the same for my next chapter, although I think it will be done before Friday.


Good luck with writing your chapter. ^_^

You're still an expert in fanfics,and I respect that.

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Hooooooray, I like it up to know (nd I'm pretty sure I'll like it more and more)


And totally for got about something about my character, his powers, he can control the people's feelings, he can mke someone to feel very very sad and in a second make the same person feel like the happiest person ever. Normally he uses his power to make the people around him feel scared and insecure, that way no one get near him.



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Guys & girls! Chapter 1's done!!!

Chapter 1-Fight for the Light

Chapter 1-Fight for the Light


Deep in the basement of a suburban house estate in Oregeorgia, 2 girls in their late teens were engrossed on the special news bulletin shown on a mini TV.

“The young Pro League duelling genius, Macro De’Lai, had just been filed missing by the Public Security Department of Oregeorgia,” said a news reporter on the TV, “the Security Department Chief claims that they are currently under investigation & this incident may be involved in the recent missing persons case reported throughout the country. This is Mary Willis signing off, now we’ll return to the pre-scheduled program.” It returned to the current show, a duel between the 74 year old Pro League Duelist, Noland Blight, and his opponent, an Ancient Gear Duelist. Noland’s field & hand were left barren, where else his opponent had an Ancient Gear Golem (ATK: 3000) on his side, ready to attack.


(Opponent: 2 700 LP)<-> (Noland: 700 LP)

(Opponent: 2 700 LP)<-> (Noland: 700 LP)


“Ha!” goaded the duelist, “with Ancient Gear Golem on my side, you can’t even defend yourself, old man. Face it, it’s over for you.” He gave out a loud sinister laughter then.

“But this is not over until the last card has been played;” said Noland calmly,”and I believe that it’s my turn & I draw!”

As he saw his cards, his face displayed a slight grin.

“I’ll start with the ever-famous card called Graceful Charity. By its effect, I need to draw 3 cards & then discard 2 cards,” then, Noland quickly drew his cards & discarded his 2 cards, “by the way; a card I discarded is called Kakkhi, Guerrilla of Dark World. Therefore, your Gear Golem is now reduced to nothing but a pile of scrap metal.”

The opponent watched in despair as his best monster crumbles away into a pile of gears.

“Also, I summon Broww, Huntsman of Dark World (ATK: 1400) & also special summon my other monster that I discarded, Sillva, Warlord of Dark World. (ATK: 2300)”

The 2 fiends, 1 holding a bow & arrow in a bestial-looking fist & the other being silver-ish with 2 daggers, appeared, with malicious looks in their eyes. The opponent was frightened at their sight as he knew what would come next.

“And I attack you directly with them. Go & end the duel, my fiends!” shouted Noland in his loudest voice, which was rather soft & rough, as a person his age should sound like.

Broww launched an arrow towards his opponent, while Sillva approached him & slashed him with his daggers. The duelist then collapsed as his Life Points dwindle to 0.


(Opponent: 0 LP)<-> (Noland: 700LP)

(Opponent: 0 LP)<-> (Noland: 700LP)


Noland lifted his left hand into the sky as the crowd around him cheered for his victory. Even the 2 girls, who were watching it, were excited over it.

“Wow! That was amazing, Clair,” said 1 girl, “when that guy summoned Ancient Gear Golem, I thought that Noland would actually lose for sure.”

“No way, Penny,” said the other girl, “Noland had been in stickier situations than that, I bet he was just playing with that fool only and…”

However, their conversation was short-lived as a guy in his early adulthood entered into the scene. He was apparently unwelcome there.

“Curtis, what are you doing here?” shouted Penny, “I told for the 10’000 time, don’t barge in like that!”

“As if I wanted to, but its dinner time, so come up now,” replied Curtis in a somewhat cold manner.

Later, on the dining table, Penny, Clair & Curtis arrived there just in time as a couple came in, carrying some freshly-cooked food.

As everyone was eating, Clair suddenly raised up a question.

“Uncle Louis, Aunt Layla, I think…that…that its time…that I go out…to see the world,” said Clair nervously.

“Great!” exclaimed Curtis, “it’s high time that she picked up her own weight…” He was interrupted by a nudge from Penny.

“Are you sure, Clair?” warned Louis, “you & all of us know of THAT & it should not be too publicised.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll be more careful,” relied Clair who was rather relaxed, “in fact, I had plans to go to the Pro Leagues.”

“You know, Clair,” Penny said, “how about this, we have a duel to see if you’re really ready for the Pro Leagues & the world out there.”

“Cool,” said Clair enthusiastically, “so where & when?”

“The backyard & we’ll duel at dawn, 6.40 a.m. to be precise,” said Penny as she ate her last few bites before leaving the table.

During midnight when everyone in the household slept in peace, only Clair remained awake. She had a room in the basement itself. Hidden from the eyes of prosecution, it was a perfect hideaway. For the last decade, she was living there all the time & got her tutoring from Uncle Louis, who was a university lecturer. Clair was lying on her bed, looking up into the ceiling. Her mind was clouded with the thought of her future duel.

“I just can’t bear to beat my closest or only friend.” Clair thought.

Then, a ball of light popped out of her Duel Monsters deck near-by & it floated towards Clair. The light ball morphed into a floating light bulb with arms of some kind.

“Buzzz…Beep, beep, buzzzz,” said the creature.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right, Mental Master,” said Clair with more courage in her tone, “I should duel her like always & have fun! That’s what Noland would do too!”

With that, she gave a yawn & took a nap at last. The Spirit of the Duel Monster called Mental Master also disappeared.

Next morning, as Clair woke up, she picked up her deck & gazed at it. On the top of it was the Tuner Monster Mental Master. The Duel Spirit of the said monster also appeared behind her. Clair took a look behind & smiled at the Spirit as she attached her Duel Disk to her arm & walked up soon after, with Mental Master following.

At the house’s backyard, the whole family was gathered there. Louis & Layla were sitting on the benches as spectators & Penny, armed with a Duel Disk herself, was shuffling her deck. Curtis soon walked out…with messy hair & carrying a bowl of popcorn. He also took a seat in the benches himself. After that, both duelists smiled at each other before activating their respective Duel Disks & drawing 5 cards each.

“Game on!” they shouted.


Penny (LP: 4000) <->Clair (LP 4000)

Penny (LP: 4000) <->Clair (LP 4000)


“Since I issued the challenge in the first place, I’ll start first,” Penny said as she drew her 1st card, “I summon Ehren, the Lightsworn Monk (ATK: 1600) in ATK mode & a face-down card.”

In a burst of orange light, a feminine humanoid appeared & posed in a fighting stance. This was followed by a face-down card.

“And I end my turn,” said Penny, “but before that, I must discard the top 3 cards in my deck.”

She took out the cards & placed them in her graveyard slot. Suddenly, a white werewolf appears in another burst of orange light & a spear appeared in Ehren’s hands (ATK: 1600~2300).

“By the way, 1 of those cards was the Lightsworn Beast Wulf (ATK: 2100) who can only be summoned when he’s sent from the deck to the graveyard & another is the Equip Spell Card Loghtsworn Rapier which grants Ehren 700 ATK,” Penny explained.

“Hmph, Penny already got things started with both her monster with over 2000 ATK,” Curtis said, “she could give Wulf the Rapier, but by giving Ehren that card, Clair can’t simply just summon a monster & attack, she must use her brain…if any, that is.”

“Then it’s my turn now!” Clair said as she drew a card, “I summon the Teleki Attacker (ATK” 1700) in ATK mode.”

She then placed the card onto the Duel Disk & a man wearing a space suit appeared.

“But he can’t touch my monsters,” claimed Penny, “you should had put him in DEF mode back then.”

“True, but not for long as I activate the spell card called Riryoku, which cuts Wulf’s ATK by half & boosts my monster’s ATK by that amount.”

Wulf howled in pain as its ATK lowered (ATK: 2100~1050), while Teleki Attacker glowed with the power boost. (ATK: 1700~2750)

“And now my Attacker will attack your Wulf with Telekinetic Shockwave!” commanded Clair as the Attacker released a wave of electricity from his hands that destroyed Wulf.


Penny (LP: 2400) <->Clair (LP 4000)

Penny (LP: 2400) <->Clair (LP 4000)


“So Clair drew 1st blood in this duel,” Curtis commented.

“Now I activate my trap card, Soul Rope!” called Penny as the card rose, “by paying 1000 Life Points, I can special summon any Level 4 or below monster from my deck & I summon Jain, the Lightsworn Paladin.”

In a burst of orange light, a female knight appeared.

“I place 1 face-down too & let you take it over from here,” said Clair as she placed the single card into a Spell & Trap Card Zone.


Penny (LP: 1400) <->Clair (LP 4000)

Penny (LP: 1400) <->Clair (LP 4000)


“Finally,” said Penny, “I draw & play the spell card, Bait Doll.”

The face-down card on Clair’s side flipped up & was revealed to be Negate Attack & it was destroyed.

“What just happened?” asked Layla sheepishly as she knew nothing about Duel Monsters.

“Mom, Penny just used the Bait Doll Spell Card that forces 1 face-down Spell or Trap card of the opponent’s to be activated. That face-down was Negate Attack that can only work in the Battle Phase. But since its still Main Phase 1, the card is sent to the graveyard as its effect is redundant,” Curtis explained the card effects.

“That’s right, bro,” continued Penny, “and the best part is that Bait Doll returns to my deck after being used.”

She then placed Bait Doll into her deck & shuffled it.

“Since she runs a Lightsworn deck, the number of cards remaining in the deck is vital. Otherwise, one might lose in a deck-out. Bait Doll can ensure that she has cards in the deck. How clever of her.” Curtis thought.

“Moving on, Jain will attack your monster & Ehren will follow suit with a direct attack. As a side note, when Jain attacks, she gains 300 ATK,” Penny said as Jain gained strength as she charged at the Attacker. (ATK: 1800~2100)

Jain slashed her blade at the Attacker, which destroyed him. Ehren rushed at Clair to slash her with her rapier.


Penny (LP: 1400) <->Clair (LP 1300)

Penny (LP: 1400) <->Clair (LP 1300)


“End turn,” said Penny, “but I must discard 6 cards from my deck.”

As such, she made the discard after inspecting her cards.

“Then it’s my turn now,” said Clair as she drew a card, “I play the Pot of Greed to draw 2 more cards.”

She drew the cards & grinned at them.

“Now I play Monster Reborn to revive Teleki Attacker (ATK: 1700) & Release it for…Jinzo (ATK: 2400)!” Clair cried as Attacker appeared for a moment before turning into a portal for an android with flesh on the head.

“Jinzo, attack Ehren with Psycho Energy Shock!”

The humanoid android formed an orb of electricity that it released at Ehren, thus destroying her.


Penny (LP: 1300) <->Clair (LP 1300)

Penny (LP: 1300) <->Clair (LP 1300)


“I put a face-down & that’s all for me,” said Clair as she announced the end of her turn.

“I draw!” Penny drew her card & her eyes widened at the card she just drew.

“By Releasing Jain, I now Advance Summon…Gragonith, the Lightsworn Dragon in ATK mode (ATK: 2000)!” Penny exclaimed.

Jain vanished in a portal that unleased a burst of white light that engulfed the entire field. The shadow of a draconic creature was seen. When the light dissipates, a majestic dragon with a golden mane appeared & roared at Clair. Its presence even frightened the spectators there.

“Just to let you know, he gains 300 ATK for every fallen Lightsworn in the graveyard,” said Penny.

The phantom forms of Wulf, Ehren, Jain, a mage in white robes (Lyla) & an angel with white armour (Celestia) appeared beside Penny & unleased their energies to Gragonith. Gragonith roared once again from its allies’ strength. (AYK: 2000~3500)

“Gragonith, attack Jinzo with Shining Blaze!” commanded Penny as Gragonith breathed outfire that was as white as snow at Jinzo.

“Wait!” cried Clair, “I activate Invincible Hero that prevents my monster’s destruction for this turn.”

“Yeah, but you still take damage for it!” replied Penny.


Penny (LP: 1300) <->Clair (LP 200)

Penny (LP: 1300) <->Clair (LP 200)


“Since I’m nearly done with you, I’ll end my turn as soon as I discard 3 cards from my deck,” said Penny as she made the discards. Gragonith grew stronger again (ATK: 3500~3800) due to another copy of Ehren being sent to the graveyard.

“Come on, heart of the cards…make a miracle out of this duel…” Clair thought.

As she slowly drew out her card, she grasped at the card itself, Mental Master! Just then, the Spirit of Mental Master himself appeared.

“I summon the Tuner Monster Mental Master!” Clair called out the monster as a floating lightbulb appeared.

“Now I tune Jinzo with Mental Master to Synchro Summon…the Astral Plane Dragon! (ATK: 2000)”

Mental Master then shot up into the sky as a single ring that surrounded Jinzo, which disappeared into 6 stars. A burst of light appeared as a wrapped dragon appeared onto the field.

“Perhaps you’re curious about him,” said Clair, “once this dragon’s been Synchro Summoned, all monsters in both our graves are removed from play & this card gains 300 ATK for each & every one.”

The various monsters in both Clair’s & Penny’s graveyard were slid out & the Dragon grew in power (ATK: 2000~4700), where else Gragonith was weakened. (ATK: 3800~2000)

“Now my dragon attacks you with Astral Burst!” Clair cried as her wrapped dragon unleashed a multi-coloured blast from its mouth that blasted Gragonith to oblivion & Penny to the ground.


Penny (LP: 0) <->Clair (LP 200)

Penny (LP: 0) <->Clair (LP 200)


“Great duel, Clair!” Penny said as she got up, “I bet that you’ll be a true pro duelist someday, you have the potential anyway.”

“And Clair, before you go off,” called Louis, “if anyone questions your origin, just tell them that you’re Penny’s cousin from Eastern California.”

“Like I said before, don’t worry. I’m old enough to take care of myself,” said Clair.

“Come, Clair!” called Penny from the front gate, “I’ll guide you around these parts.”

Both Clair & Penny dashed out of the house in joy. Clair was especially happy, now that she could see the light of the world.

Far away, in a floating citadel supported by an unknown force, a mysterious being that was sitting on a throne looked at a holographic screen of the duel between Clair & Penny. After surveying it, he let out a chuckle.

“That last turn was no coincidence, Clair Kinet, I’m coming for you, my dear, “said that mystery being in a low & ominous tone before breaking into laughter that filled the hollowed hallways of the citadel.


Card of the Day

Astral Plane Dragon

LIGHT/Dragon-Synchro/LV 7/ATK 2000/DEF 1000

1 Tuner monster+1 or more non-Tuner monster(s)

This card cannot be Special Summoned except with Synchro Summon. When this card is Synchro Summoned, you can remove every Monster Card in both players’ Graveyards. If you do that, this card gains 300 ATK for every card removed by this effect. Any monster this card destroys are removed from play instead. Once per turn, you can return 1 Psychic-Type monster that is removed to your Deck to gain 1000 Life Points.


Clair: The 1st card shown will be 1 of my favourites…the Astral Plane Dragon! He can relocate all monsters in the grave to another dimension when summoned & absorbs their strength.


[spoiler=Next Chapter]

Info on Next Chapter

Clair: The world looks so much better when you see in it on the whole. So many things…can’t decide what to do…

Penny: Clair, calm down. We’ll take it 1 step at a time.

? : Yeah…and Step No.1 is to duel me now! Next on Yu-Gi-Oh Key to the Mind, Chapter 2–Beat the Unbeatable! Hmph, can you escape the destiny of your defeat as I draw my cards?

(Clair & Penny touring around the streets of Oregeorgia)

(Miora in the foreground with the silhouette of a titanic figure of an Egyptian design behind her)

(Miora drawing 2 cards at once)

(Clair activating a spell card that glowed)



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Penny (LP: 1300) <->Clair (LP 0)

Penny (LP: 1300) <->Clair (LP 0)



I thought Clair won. But' date=' it says Penny won.


thanks for pointing that out. I was typing that in the night,just felt tired.

But how's your opinion of the chapter overall?

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