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My "Bucket of Fun" Deck


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Bucket of Fun Deck


Deck x41


Monsters x21

Crystal Seer x1

Marshmallon x1

Treeborn Frog x1

Grand Mole x1

Exiled Force x1

LaDD x1

Twin Headed Betemoth x1

Gilasaurus x2

Samsara Kaiser x1

DH Disk Commander x1

Morphing Jar x1

Kuraz the Light Monarch x1

Snipe Hunter x1

E-Hero Wildheart x2

CyDra x2

DH Fear Monger x1

Raiza the Storm Monarch x1

DMoC x1



Spells x9

Magic Mallet x1

MR x1

MST x1

Lightning Vortex x1

The Shallow Grave x1

Reasoning x3

PreMe x1


Traps x11

Saku x2

Torrential Tribute x1

Magic Drain x1

Dust Tornado x1

MalCat x1

Bribe x1

Magic Jammer x1

BTH x1

Pulling the Rug x1

Draining Shield x1


I wish I had Statros...


Cards needed for making this better:


x2 Dark Bribe

x3 Solemn

Mirror Force

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Crystal Seer. Rofl. I thought it was going to be banned when it first came out but I was horribly wrong.


The deck itself is OK' date=' also whats with the Trade-In you only have 1 monster that can fit its effect.



I had LaDD in this deck and somehow the deck list keeps getting messed up. :( Maybe it's because I'm on a laptop.

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