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Forum Dueling Test


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This is a test for the Forum Dueling Duels, nobody else must post here exept for Maddog, Frunk and myself.


For Duel Mods;

-You must be unbias

-Always send a reply PM to any PMs you receive from the Duelists

-You PM the ramdomly selected cards for Draw Phases, etc. to the Duelists

-Insure no SPAM occours on behalf of other members trolling the Duel

-You must make the topic

-If you break any other obvious rules (e.g. keeping the prize money, fixing the Duel, etc.), You will be stripped of your Duel Mod responsibilites and benefits, and depending on the severity, your account may be suspended


For Duelists;

-You must follow offical Yu-Gi-Oh rules as stated here

-PM any cards you set to the Duel Mod and wait for confirmation

-If any duel fixing is uncovered, temporary account suspension is highly likely

-No SPAM or Trolling at all - penalties will be implied for rule breakers

-Breaking of ficati.com/yugiohcardmaker.net will result in automatic disqualification

-At the start of the Duel, donate any bets to the Duel Mod

-There will be a maximum of 15 minutes for you to come online if you are late for a Duel before you are disqualified


For ficati.com/yugiohcardmaker.net Members

-Feel free to watch the Duel

-No posting is allowed in the Duel Topic during the duel and will not tolerated

-You may post and comment on the Duel in the Duel topic at the end of the Duel

-Any offense slurs towards Duelists or Duel Mods (eg. "Haha, you lost, you suck, haha") will not tolerated and you will be suspended

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Nice layout, I'll use that

Frunk's second turn;

Frunk's life points: 8000

Draw phase - 1 Card - 5 cards in hand

Stand by phase -

Main Phase - I play one card face down in the Spell and Trap Zone - two face down spells/traps

Battle Phase -

Main Phase 2 -

End with four cards in my hand

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Ok guys, wait a minute because this is getting somewhat confusing for me here. Ok, I tell you guys what cards you have, and you guys tell me what you want to do through PM because this is getting confusing beyond any means for myself. Quite frankly I think the program YVD would be best for this place and not online forum dueling. :|

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