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My crystal beast field swamper

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my deck has


3X amythest cat

1X saphire pegasus

3X cobalt eagle

3X Emerald tortoise

3X topaz tiger

3X Amber mammoth

3X ruby carbunkle

1X Gravi crush

1X Magna slash

1X Dweller in the depths

1X Hamon l,o,s,t

1X Rainbow dragon



3X crystal promise

3X Crystal beacon

1X crystal tree

3X rainbow ruins

2X crystal blessing

1X heart of clear water

1X crystal abundance

1X mysticle s,t

1X rare value

1X rainbow veil



1X crystal pair

2X rainbow path

2X crystal raigeki

1X rainbow gravity

1X waboku

1X negate attack

1X last resort

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