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Oppression Gadgets 2.0

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But yeah. Just an updated decklist. This one is better than my last. Now it screws up just about everything but DD. (Oh yeah, I play this IRL. I got to the semi-finals at lolocals yesterday :P). Don't flame. Comments, suggestions, and constructive criticism is welcome.


Monsters [16]


x2 Green Gadget

x2 Red Gadget

x2 Yellow Gadget

x3 Banisher of the Radiance

x3 Blue Thunder

x2 Kycoo

x1 Drillroid

x1 Grand Mole


Spells [13]


x3 Dimensional Fissure

x3 Shrink

x2 Enemy Controller

x1 Hammer Shot

x1 Lightning Vortex

x1 Smashing Ground

x1 MST

x1 Heavy Storm


Traps [11]


x3 Royal Oppression

x3 Bottomless Trap Hole

x3 Sakuretsu Armor

x1 Mirror Force

x1 TT


Crappy Side Deck That I Barely Use ^_^ [15]


x1 Raiza

x1 Sangan

x1 Kycoo

x1 Drillroid

x1 Fissure

x1 Limiter Removal

x1 Shield Crush

x1 Scape Goat

x2 Hammer Shot

x1 POA

x1 Divine Wrath

x3 Dust Tornado

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