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Zeroshot's Blowout Results are in.


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Now, I understand that a lot of you aren't getting the 'Pot' concept. Here's a explaination that better explains it.


Have you ever played poker before? Well if you have' date=' you know that each player wages a certain amount of money, in this case points, then the winner of the hand gets the wager. This has the same concept. Each victor gets 1 rep for winning each round. That's all I'm giving at leased. Players can wager any amount of points to add to the prize. Let's say that Person A is competing against Person B.


Person A wages 60 points. Person B wages 60 points also. Now the pot has 120 points in it. Do you understand this far?


Now the winner of that challenge wins all the points in the pot. Since Person A won that challenge, He gains 120 points. (which is really 60 points)


To add to the pot: Check post 1 on the contest page for how to post it. Donate the points to me and when both players from a single matchup donate their points, the pot is successfully donated. If 1 player from the matchup does not donate to the pot but their opponent does by the end of the round, The points will be sent back to their original owners.[/quote']j



I will be sending PMs to all of the members Who haven't turned in their card yet tomorrow

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. Ruby

The Dark Master







I seem to be missing your card. You have until the end of tomorrow to get it in On Time. If your card is not in on time I will knock 20 points off of your card's final grade. If you do not get your card in by the time I'm done judging (roughly 3 days after the round is over) you will be negged. I will be sending out PMs as soon as I can.

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Alright, 13 of 16 entries are in. 1 quit the contest, 1 quit YCM and 1 didn't turn in the card.


Here is all cards that were turned into me by July 10th. I will begin the judging today and have the results as soon as I can.










This monster can be Summoned to the Field Spell Card Zone by discarding 1 card from your hand. Whle in the Field Spell Card Zone this card gains the following effect:

- Both players draw 10 cards. They shuffle the 10 cards and they put it in a pile, put the Decks together, and shuffle it. But the pile at a side of the field, and each turn during each player's Draw Phase, the player must draw from that pile instead of his/her original Deck. If this card is destroyed, cards from that pile are sent to the Graveyard.

If you Summon this card as a monster, activate the following effect:

-Discard 2 cards from your hand. Look at your opponent's hand and your opponent discards each monster with less than Level 4. Take 500 damage to your Life Points for each card destroyed by this card's effect. Then select monster sent to the Graveyard by this card's effect and equip it to this card. This card gains the ATK and DEF of the equipped monster. If there are no monsters lower than Level 4, you select one monster lower than Level 4 from your Deck, and equip it to this card. This card gains the ATK and DEF of the equipped monster. When this card is destroyed, you loose 700 Life Points.






~Spirit of Touma~



Future Emperor





















Darth Browarod



















The answer to the problem which most of you got was 100

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