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Transformers Cards

griffon master

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I like Griffon Master's Jet Fire more. It had OCG, but it okay. Silencerleader it not cools to post your card on someone else thread. You should know better. You're a 5-Star member.:shock: Don't get mad if people make the same card as you did. Btw, roll a die??? Lol

Edit: Some dumb noob gave me a neg, what I meant is the Pix. Stupid Newbie. ¬_¬

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I like Griffon Master's Jet Fire more. It had OCG' date=' but it okay. Silencerleader it not cools to post your card on someone else thread. You should know better. You're a 5-Star member.:shock: Don't get mad if people make the same card as you did. Btw, roll a die??? Lol

Edit: Some dumb noob gave me a neg, what I meant is the Pix. Stupid Newbie. ¬_¬



It was proof that I created it. So yeah...:P -_- And this was a like a year ago.

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