Junk Raver Posted June 27, 2008 Report Share Posted June 27, 2008 [align=center]^_^ Another Sticky? Yes Indeedy This time, it will be a Help sticky, that is rather important so it will be placed here. I am sick to death of people not using or even knowing, correct OCG and Grammar, so i decided to make an Official Thread on it. Not everything will be included to start with, as i dont have all the free time in the world ^_^ OCG OCG stands for Official Card Grammar. OCG is the way in which your card effect is worded, if it is not worded as it would be on an official Yu-Gi-Oh Card, it is said to contain OCG errors, just so you know. There are various types of OCG, alot illude people, but here you can learn about them. The most commonly known types are Old and New OCG, just remember, Old existed once, therefore it is right, however there are afew Old OCG bits that are deemed unusable. Old OCG Old OCG is what has been used in the past on Card Text, some of it is still useable, remember though, if you dont want people to attack your thread, try to not use Old OCG when possible. You will find Old OCG on old cards such as the Blue Eyes Set to say Dark Crisis etc. Old OCG List - Mode - It is Position, NEVER MODE. - Magic - In the past, Magic was used, then they replaced it with Spell, it is best to avoid using Magic. - Move - In some old cards, Move was used as a way for saying Add, Add should be used instead. Card Example = LOD-028 Reinforcement of the Army - Fuses - On the old Polymerization, its card text was very bleak and simply said 'Fuses', try to avoid it. - Sacrifice / Sacrificing / Offer / Offering - This terms were used to basically say Tribute / Tributing, do not use them. The above, is Old OCG that really should not be used, below is Old OCG that is still usable. - as a result of battle - Nowadays we say 'by battle'. - your side of the field / your opponent's side of the field. - when this card is Normal Summoned, Special Summoned or Flip Summoned - Nowadays we say Summoned. - summoned - although this should go in grammar, it is used as an example to show that this belongs in the old OCG time zone. New OCG New OCG, is now commonly used, it is upto date, and is quicker to write and explains things in a simpler Version. Try to use New OCG if you can. You will find New OCG on cards from like Invasion of Chaos to Shadow of Inifinity. You will find New New OCG from SOI to like now. New OCG List This list will be split into 3 Sections; Expert New OCGNew New OCGMaster Rule OCG All are correct, just choose which one you like the best, or mix and match. Expert OCG - Your field - - Your opponent's field - - by battle. - Dont say Points - after an ATK or DEF alter, do not say points. - Summoned - When meaning all types of Summon. - Inflict xxxx damage to your opponent - is used instead of saying something like ' inflict xxxx damage to your opponent's Life Points' - can attack your opponent's Life Points directly - instead of the old 'can inflict direct damage to your opponent's Life Points'. - Can - not may. New New OCG - You Control / your opponent Controls - Used instead of ' your side of the field / your field' etc. - by battle. - Summoned - When meaning all types of Summon. - Inflict xxxx damage to your opponent - is used instead of saying something like ' inflict xxxx damage to your opponent's Life Points' - can attack your opponent directly - instead of the old 'can inflict direct damage to your opponent's Life Points'. - Can - not may. Master Rule OCG The Master Rule is to follow the OCG which will be released with the new 5D'S Cards. - Advance Summon / Advance Summoned - To replace Tribute Summon / Summoned. - Release / Releasing - To Replace Tribute / Tributing. - Extra Deck - To replace Fusion Deck. Extra OCG So far i have given examples of some of the different types of OCG, here are some extras. Counters When refering to Counters, they DO NOT go like this "Spell Counter" They simply say Spell Counter (counter / counters by themselves do not start with a Cap C, only if they follow a type of Counter). Monster Types When refering to monster types like Elemental Hero's, it goes like this; "Elemental Hero" monster When refering to a Subtype, it goes like this; Toon monster (Sometimes Monster has a Cap M after the Sub) When refering to a card name it goes like this; "Elemental Hero Sparkman" Numbers Do remember to say a number and not the word when writing quantities; Example. Draw 1 Card, not, Draw one card. Stages of OCG I bet some of you are like WTF? There are 3 stages in OCG, beginner, Medium and Expert. Beginner OCG - Used often by Beginner Card Makers, they will often use Old OCG and Card Grammar. Medium OCG User - Members who are in the Medium will use New OCG and card Grammar, and also add in some usable Old OCG. Expert OCG - Members who use Expert OCG, will tend to use Most aspects of New OCG in various ways. Now, with Expert OCG, there is something else which gives that user an exception to certain ways of Effect Presentation. If a user creates a card with a Unique effect, that has no Officially Correct Way of wording it, then the card can be looked to be correct, and the way it is worded is fine. Card Examples; My 'Nemo Rose Dragon' + 'Lukai the Tao Blitzer' Remix's 'Twlight Dragon' Yankee's 'Rainbow Attribute' Card Kaze's 'DDM' Etc. I cannot be bothered to write anymore regarding OCG, so if i have missed stuff, i will add it at a later date. Now, Grammar time. Grammar Grammar on cards is alot easier to remember then OCG. It is basically making sure words have Cap Letters. Correct Grammar List fieldhand GraveyardLife PointsDeckFusion DeckExtra Deck SummonSummonedNormal SummonNormal SummonedFlip SummonFlip SummonedSpecial SummonSpecial SummonedFusion SummonFusion SummonedTribute SummonTribute SummonedAdvance SummonAdvance SummonedSynchro SummonSynchro SummonedRitual SummonRitual Summoned TributeTributingReleaseReleasing DARKLIGHTFIREWATEREARTHWIND Fiend-TypeWarrior-TypeEtc. ATK (Stats)DEF (Stats) Spell CardTrap CardMonster Card Monster Card EffectEtc. Equip Spell CardEtc. Battle Damage Attack PositionDefense Position opponent'sowner'scard's (In some cases) Main PhaseBattle PhaseStandby PhaseEnd PhaseDraw PhaseDamage Step Level Normal MonsterEffect MonsterFusion MonsterFusion Material Monster(s) Card Zone Theres more but thats the Gist of It. Try to use correct Grammar. I hope you have found this guide helpful, and may you create better cards now ^_^ Do remember i havent finished this guide, more will be updated and added in due course. >> Dj Osiris << ^_^[/align] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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