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Lora and Kachua

Astro Dude

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I know this might be locked but I felt this was somethig that needed to be done.


Anyone remember "Yu-Gi-Oh The Falsebound Kingdom" For the Gamecube. In that game Gemini Elf was in it, but it existed as two seperate monsters: Gemini Elf Lora and Gemini Elf Kachua. I thought it would be a good idea to turn those individual monsters into cards. I also did this for Gemini Elf's Toon Counterpart. So here's those lovely sisters Lora and Kachua. I also have a card that can summon their "more together" selves. It's called "Gemini-lliance". It's a mix of the words "Gemini" and "Alliance", like Chillax.






Sorry the pics are smushed and stretched.


I hope I did this right.


Image credit: Original Gemini Elf and Toon Gemini Elf Card Pics.

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