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GB Armor Fusion

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Ok. I know it's really called Contact Fusion, but wouldn't it be better if we call it "Armor Fusion" for Gladiators? Neo Space fusion is still called Contact. Think about it. Just look at Heraklinos, Gaiodiaz and Gyzarus.


Heraklinos: Laquari wearing all other GB's armor


Gaiodiaz: Spartacus wearing all other GB's armor


Gyzarus: Bestiari wearing different armor


Do you see my point? I'm not saying they should "officially" change GB Contact Fusion to Armor Fusion. It's just that it would be more interesting if someone said, "Now, I play Armor Fusion on GB Bestiari and Laquari to summon Gyzarus!"

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Guest JoshIcy

Doesnt matter lol... and secondly there is an anime subtype called "Armor" monsters, would be kinda messy imo...


@Flame Dragon: Love the canine :P

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That guy was so annoying. His cards sucked' date=' read the effects and they have good swarm but no attack.





Psychic Armor Head alone was Treeborn-except-better.


Also, they let you physically punch your opponent. That officially makes them the best cards ever.

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