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legendary dragon deck

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the best possible deck of the legendary dragon's



rocket warrior x2,red eyes black dragon,time wizard,big bang blow,queen's knight x2,dark magician,dark magician girl,blue flame swordsman,flame manipulator,masaki the legendary swordsman,blue eyes white dragon,legendary knight critias,legendary knight hermos,legendary knight timaeus,brigadier of landstar,gemini elf x3 and slate warrior



the eye of timaeus x3,the fang of critias x3,the claw of hermos x3,rocket hermos cannon,red eyes black dragon sword,time magic hammer,big bang dragon blow,goddess bow,polymerization,monster reborn x3 and legend of heart



tyrant wing,card crush virus,mirror force and dust tornado x3


fusion deck

dark magician girl the dragon knight,amulet dragon,doom virus dragon,tyrant burst dragon,mirror force dragon,blue eyes tyrant dragon,flame swordsman and knight of destiny

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