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Pokémon Fan-Fic

Mew 101

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[spoiler=Chapter 1][spoiler=Story]

Red: Ugh. How much longer untill that old fart wakes up. I want to hurry up & get out of this effin' heat.



Gary: Speak for your self



*Oak comes through the door*



Oak: What are thes midgets doing here?



Oak: I said I don't give a darn abount your charity!



Gary: Gramps, we've been waiting since 8:00 am, thats 6 hours, for you to wake up.



Red: Ya, what he said



Oak: fine come on in. The Pokémon are right *starts to slow down over...here? Hey, where are they?



Red & Gary: Hury up already!



Oak: Fine, just take these master balls & catch the 1st pokemon you see!



Red: Sweet!



After searching for hours, Red almost gives up when he hears a Pikachu



Red: Go, Master Ball!



*Master Ball woobles back & forth & stops*



Red uses the level detector in his Dex to find the Pikachu's level



Dextor: This pokemon's level is...1.



Red: Gah mother...



*Red heads to Viridian City to get his Trainer Card*



Red: Hmm, Mabey I should get aquainted with Pikachu.



Red lets out the pokemon, but its not Pikachu. It was a small, pink pokemon, blue eyes,, small arms, big, rabit like feet, with a small ball of mucle at the end of it's tail



Strange Pokémon: Mew mew mew?



Red: ...



*Red faints*



Mew: Mew mew?


[spoiler=Authors Coments]

1. This story was inspired by a more 'weird' Fan-Fic I read on DeviantART.

2. It's called New Kanto cause it has all the pokemon up to the Sinnoh Region





[spoiler=Chapter 2][spoiler=Story]

Red woke hours later in a daze



Mew: Mew mew mew!



Red: I guss it wasn't a dream. I realy did catch Mew. I wonder what Profeser oak would...PROF. OAK! I need to tell him! Alright Mew, back in your master ball.



*Red throws the ball and Mew swipes it away into the sky with it's tail*



Red: Meh.



*Red starts to run back to Prof. Oak's house, Mew resting on Red's head*



Red: Prof. Oak, open up!



Oak: Finaly my Pizza is here!



*Oak opens the door, and the 1st thing that happened when he open the door was that the Tea cup he was holding droped in what looked like an imposible way*



Red: Uhh, profeser?



Oak: That...is...the...worst atempt any one has done to try to impress me by pretending they caught a Mew!



Red: This is the real deal, right here. Watch: Mew, use Transform!



Mew: Mew mew!



*Mew Transformed into a Giant, turtle like, pokemon, with a back like a small island like a contenat floating in a sea of air*



Mew: Torterra!



Red: See?



*Again, Oak drops something. This time, a pice of lab equipment thats worth billions of government tax dollars*


[spoiler=Authors Coments]

If you read the chapter, then you'll know that Red is adjusting pretty quickly to having a mew




#001 Bulbasaur

#002 Ivysaur

#003 Venusaur




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