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Advanced Elemental Heroes

EHERO Andrew

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yeah. they were. they were the best pics I could find, other than their original pics.


Neos was from "Wrath of Neos" in Duel Terminal (Japan only)

Avian was from "Feather Shot"

Burstinatrix was from "Burst Return"

Clayman was from "Clay Charge"

Sparkman was from "Hero Blast"

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All of the cards are overpowered. You could get out high-level E-hero fusions with ease if you have 6 copies of the same guy in a deck... and Neos, well, you could imagine summoned "Elemental Hero Magma Neos" just by making the tribute summon (which is basically what happens)...


don't just put some effects on other E-heroes... make some sort of side-step like "Bubbleman" and "Neo Bubbleman" (or whatever the guy's name is...)

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i think the original avian is lv3....... but if your not trying to make it similar then meh...... i like the pix better than the original cards....... but i never liked e heroes......6/10


No you cannot. When their name is "treated as ..." and not "treated as ... in the hand, field, and graveyard" then you can only have 3 total between the Advanced and normal. It's the same thing as the Harpie Ladies.

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All of the cards are overpowered. You could get out high-level E-hero fusions with ease if you have 6 copies of the same guy in a deck...


I think it's the same as with the Harpies. The card names are treated the same as the normal versions. Which means, you can have a total of 3 Avians and Advanced Avians.

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