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I'm making a World Lock - Simochi-Gift Card OTK Deck and this is what I have so far. I only have 29 cards, so if anyone has suggestions of cards I can put in my deck that'll help but still won't slow down the speed, I'd appreciate it.


2- Arcana Force XXI - The World

2- Samsara Lotus

1- Treeborn Frog

2- Foolish Burial

2- Fine

2- Double Summon

1- Swords of Revealing Light

1- Premature Burial

3- Gift Card

2- Paths of Destiny

2- Reversal of Fate

2- Bad Reaction To Simochi

1- Mask of Darkness

1- Heavy Storm

5 (At Least)- High ATK or DEF level 4 or lower monsters

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2. Organization


When posting your decklist' date=' divide it up into Monsters, Spell, and Traps.






2 Thestalos the Firsestorm Monarch

3 Larvae Moth




1 Bubble Crash

1 Swords of Revealing Light




3 Magical Hats


Doing this makes your deck much, much easier to read. If you wish, you may also divide your monsters into Tribute Monsters and Non-Tribute Monsters, but this is optional. You don't need to use underlines for the section titles; I personally prefer bold, for example.


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