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Creator Deck

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I will take any suggestions under $20. Also, should I run Reasoning in this deck,,,





x3 The Creator

x3 Destiny-Hero Dasher

x1 Stratos

x1 Destiny Hero - Disk Commander

x3 Gravekeeper's Spy

x1 Marshmallon

x1 D.D. Crow

x2 Cyber Dragon

x1 Snipe Hunter

x2 Creator Incarnate

x2 Herald of Creation




x3 Card of safe return

x1 Pot of Avarice

x2 Trade-In

x2 Foolish Burial

x1 Smashing Ground

x1 Mystical Space Typhoon

x1 Swords of Revealing Light

x2 Soul Exchange

x1 Monster Reborn

x1 Scapegoat

x1 Fissure




x1 Trap Dustshoot

x1 Transmigration Prophecy

x1 Torrential Tribute

x1 Mirror Force




The synergy of this deck is to control the field and hand with creator's effect. If one Card of Safe Return is on the Field, it seems like creator's effect has no cost!




Thank you for all your help, I've taken all of your advice into consideration.


Also, I tried preme, and jar.... I't didn't work out so well..

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