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need some help with my deck

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Tribute mons (2)

- Dark Ruler Ha Des

- Jinzo


Special Summon (2)

- Dark Necrofear x 2


Other monsters (18)

- Newdoria x3

- Kuriboh x2

- Shadowslayer

- Archfiend soldierx 2

- Giant Orc x2

- Sangan

- Gren Maju Du Eiza x2

- Night Assailant

- Giant germ x3

- Snipe Hunter


Spells (15)


- Swords of Revealing Light


- Nobleman of Crossout

- Fissure

- Lightning Vortex

- Soul release x2

- Premature Burial

- Brain control

- Heavy Storm

- Scapegoat

- Fires of doomsday

- Monster reborn

- Book of Moon

- Dark core



- Sakuretsu armor

- Bottomless trap hole

- Torrential Tribute

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urm dont run draining shield, think what would u rather do, increse ur LP or decrease ur opponents, much better to run magical cylinder then


bottomless tops trap hole true (Y)


i dont think ud need fissure tbh

ad say neg it for a ddr, seein as ur removin alot from play


urm thats all i can think of for now, hope i helped ^_^

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Thanks everyone for your suggestions.

I added fissure to get rid opponent's mons quickly

I apology for my ignorance but what's ddr and DAD???

And what's allure effect?


Thx again


DAD=Dark Armed Dragon

DDR+ Different Dimension Renicarnation

Draw 2 cards' date=' then remove from play 1 DARK monster from your hand. If you don't have any DARK monsters in your hand to remove, send all cards in your hand to the Graveyard.



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