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It's kind of like the Chimeratech Dragon deck, but not as shiny.

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They aren't machines.


Monsters (18)


3x Blue Eyes White Dragon

3x Dark Horus

3x Horus LV8

3x Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord

1x Dark Magician of Chaos

1x Jinzo

3x Spear Dragon

1x Twin-Headed Behemoth


Spells (21)


1x Monster Reborn

1x Heavy Storm

1x Giant Trunade

3x Dragon's Mirror

1x Future Fusion

3x Trade-In

1x H - Heated Heart

2x Magical Stone Excavation

3x Reasoning

3x Monster Gate

1x D.D.R - Different Dimension Revival

1x Lightning Vortex


Traps (1)


1x Mirror Force


Fusion (6)


Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon x3

Five Headed God Dragon x3




I admit a Chimeratech deck would be more consistent, but my friend has pretty much all of the cards, so I figured I'd give it a shot.


I'm not confident in DDR and LV being in there, but I don't know what I could replace them with.

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Guest Chaos Pudding

Magical Stone Excavation is limited


No, it isn't. Also, if you are keeping the Dark Horus, drop the Spear Dragons for Infernal Dragons.

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Oh, whoops.


Something had me thinking Dark Horus was a nomi.


Blue Eyes White Dragon is in there as a beatstick, mainly because I don't know what to take it out for.


LaDD can't be Special Summoned, but it can be Normal Summoned, so I assume when Reasoning/Gate hits it, it would meet the requirements, but then still go to the Graveyard, but Reasoning/Gate would stop, right?


I admit, I'm looking for a reason to take out DDR, but taking it out for Premature is a little self-defeating. Usable Dragons are more likely to be RFP, plus its a way to get back DMoC. And I think it has enough speed that it doesn't need a Foolish.


Since we have six Nomis, and thirteen level 8s, I suppose thats enough for Reasoning/Gate/Trade-In, and I should take out Dark Horus for a usable level 4 or lower Dragon, right?


Or, I could take out 3 BEWD for 3 Infernal Dragons.


I dunno, what do you think?

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest PikaPerson01

Nomi Lv 8 Dragons:


Blue Eyes Toon Dragon

Horus Level 8

Judgment Dragon


... That's it I think. Not too much to work with, but overall I would think you could make a playable deck with it.

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