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elder scrolls deck (incomplete)


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First there are not nearly enough, can't wait for more ^^. Second, make a dagon card next, that is high priority!!! (And the demi gods, and martin :D)


Also may I suggest making the OCG (Official card grammar) better... It makes potentialy good cards bad when you give stuff "ur false god r like lol". (Also effect monsters get generally higher ratings, escpecially if they're creative :D.)

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first you dont have to post every single card by itself just click edit on the first post and then add the urls for the cards. 2nd, some spells dont really have a purpose like amulet of kings. it only brings somethin out. plus martin only has 700 ATK it wont survive one turn unless your opponent has only spells and traps in his/her hand. Still, good effects.


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