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StarDust Deck Please Rate need to know if this is good.

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Mosters: 20


1x Yubel the Ultimate Nightmare


1x Yubel - Terror Incarnate


1x Yubel


1x Tyrant Dragon


2x Cyber Dragon


1x Kuriboh


1x Exiled Force


1x Decoy Dragon


1x Raiza The Storm Monarch


1x Granmarg The Rock Monarch


1x Mobius The Frost Monarch


3x Junk Synchron


2x Speed Warrior


2x Magical Ficialist


1x Bolt Hedgehog



Spells: 10


1x Premature Burial


1x Monster Reborn


2x Autonomous Action Unit


1x Double Summon


2x Soul Exchange


1x Stray Lambs


1x Nobleman of Crossout


1x Mystical Space Typhoon



Traps: 10


2x Metal Reflect Slime


1x Draining Sheild


3x Sakuretsu Armor


1x Radiant Mirror Force


1x Magical Arm Sheild


1x Nightmare Wheel


1x Magical Cylander



Syncro: 6


3x Stardust Dragon


3x Junk Warrior


Please tell me if this sounds like a good deck or not.[/color]


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If you're building a deck to lose, quit yugioh. seriously. The worst I can imagine anyone doing is making a self-destruct button deck to make every duel a draw. Just try the list I posted (or as close and possible) and you should be in good shape.Just use staples for the S/T lineup, most, if not all the synchro and tuner supports aren't that good. Angel Lifts might work, too.


Edit: CoSR works wonders for Stardust dragon decks.

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bump only after 24 hours have passed...


I'll quit giving you help, since you don't appear to appreciate it XD


The aforementioned list by me wasn't a synchro deck, it ws a normal deck with tuners splashed, which can easily be used for SDD. But since you keep trying to tell me something new in eahc post contradicting what you say before, I'll stop dropping tidbits of my info on this thread, I don't like ppl netdecking off my ideaz anyway >>

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1. Line Breaks


When posting your deck' date=' don't post everything in one line; put each card on a different line. For example:


1 Bubble Crash

3 Larvae Moth

2 Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch

1 Swords of Revealing Light

3 Magical Hats


This makes the deck much easier to read. However, don't put blank lines between each card; they should be together, but on separate lines.


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If you keep justifying that you dont want to make it to win, you cant get any advice. If the deck has a synchro monster, it can be considered a synchro deck. I suggest you take the advice that they have given you and use it. Otherwise you are posting a deck and justifying the reason to why or why not tou have a card in it. And like that my friend, you cant learn from your mistakes.

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