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Lock Down Requires Speed Boost , urgent halp required plox

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Ok i had field control


good deck was too slow


so i made some adjustments


i need more help though to speed it up as much as i can

now i kno the fastest way is to run a destiny engine but i dont have d draws unfortunaetly so im running this but anythin tht would speed it up would be quite awsome

ok list as follows;


Monster [ 18 ]

Horus LV8 x2

Horus Lv6 x3

Plasma x2


Cydra x2


Morphing Jar

Apprentice Magician x3

Old Vindictive Magician x2


Spell [ 19 ]

Lightning Vortex x2

Monster Gate x3

Trade In x3



Mon Reborn


Heavey Storm


Card Destruction

Pot of Avarice

Reasoning x3


Trap [ 3 ]

Royal Decree x2

Torrential Trib


any help much appreciated to speed deck up thnx

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no actually seein as the deck has such a fast pace its really easy to get one out, i mean it wont be a dead draw seein as i have trade in

also due to stratos i will probs never draw one

tried it with fires aswell, it dont work well, i have scapegoat i wont need anymore thn tht


and with monsters i cab trib Old Vindictives for better stuff usually horus or cydra tbh


i think all it needs is more draw power


just need a way to get tht im gonna try to get disc commander and dmoc at the next tournament i go to

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cant get the valleys tho i have been tryin but im gettin nothing, and obv if i get them then yea al add tehm in with sum machine dups, but til then all i need to do is take out teh cards tht slow the deck down so i can speed it up


any ideas atall would be much appreciated

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despite how when you get everything out they wont be able to do f all and everything you have out will have 3000+ attack and yhea as you wont be able to run over ANYTHING they do


stevphen my sdvice is better


reasoning is crap in this, upstarts isnt you basically run a 37 card deck

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