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Dark Forces

Boss Z

Recommended Posts

7 stars or higher:

1x The Wicked Dreadroot

1x The Wicked Avatar

1x The Wicked Eraser

1x Dark Nephthys


5 or 6 stars:

1x Summoned Skull

1x Dark Ruler Ha Des

1x Legendary Fiend

2x Golld, Wu-Lord of the Dark world


4 stars or lower:

2x Zure, Knight of the Dark World

1x Brron, Mad King of the Dark World

2x Dark Grepher

1x Shadowpriestess of Ohm

2x Dark Crusader

3x Reborn Zombie

3x Beiige, Vanguard of the Dark World

2x Broww, Huntsman of the Dark World

2x Chthonian Soldier

2x Obsidian Dragon

3x Reng, Gatekeeper of the Dark World

1x Winged Minion

1x Kiseitai

2x Goblin King

1x Phantom of Choas

1x Relinquished (Ritual)


Spell Cards:

3x Dark World Lightning

1x Fires of Doomsday

1x Gateway to dark World

1x Black Illusion Ritual


Trap Cards:

1x Simultaneous Loss

1x Dark Spirit Art - Greed

1x Escape from the Dark Dimension

1x Exchange of Spirit

2x Light-Imprisoning Mirror

1x The Grave of Enkindling

1x Chthonian Blast

1x Chthonian Polymer




Hope you think it is good... although you probably don't... ^_^

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3. Numbers


At the start of each section, say how many of that type of card is included in your deck. For example:


Monsters (5)


2 Thestalos the Firsestorm Monarch

3 Larvae Moth


Spells (2)


1 Bubble Crash

1 Swords of Revealing Light


Traps (3)


3 Magical Hats


This makes it much easier for people to see your deck's balance.

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