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I'm willing to give CnC because no one else will and I'm just awesome like that ;D


Ryan: I'm going to break up your CnC into sections since you posted so much stuff ><


General CnC: You really need to work on colours. I know that you're using the colours of your focal(s) for blending purposes, but those aren't the only colours that make them blend well. Your text needs work as well...it might be best if you just remove it. Using more detailed focals will give you larger colour palettes, so use anime girls, and things with a lot of bright (or dark. Whatever you prefer) colours. Using new effects other than your simple bgs would make your sigs much better. Usage of C4Ds, new brushes, smudging (with new settings and stuff), fractals, adjustment layers and stock bgs may do you wonders. I'd also recommend reading some tutorials.


Blue Eyes Sig: The first version of the Blue Eyes sig needs to be a bit darker as the focal is indistinguishable from the rest of the tag.


Fire/Ice Sigs With the fire and ice tags, they're basic, but kind of nice. They have a lot of negative space, so possibly shrink the size of the canvases.


Really annoying red one that burns my eyes: Overcontrasted much? Desaturate plz since it burns my eyes =( And the text is despicable.


Darkrai sig: Text ain't readable and boring effects. Learn to use C4Ds, fractals, smudging and other techniques. (:


Wolfish guy sig: Bad text is bad. Mono is bad. 'Nuff said.


Other two sigs I didn't categorize: Mono. Learn to blend with other colours other than the main focal's main colour. If you use more complex focals, then you will have a larger colour palette.


GIMP logo thing: This time you broke out of your mono phase but it looks really bad. The rainbows are blinding. They make GIMP look like phail.


Mikeao: Text is barely readable on both versions. Sigs are mono. Like Ryan, you have to work on colours. I understand going mono is "safe" blending, but it just doesn't work. Your effects, depth and lighting all look messy. Try using alternate colours and make your text readable as well as add some lighting on the Joker's face.


Legacy Of Stardust™: The lens flare in the top right corner is very distracting. A word of advice: don't use lens flares unless you're trying to make certain effects. Your render looks a bit low quality/poorly rendered, so maybe you should check PR or stock PBs to find better focals. Your sig is mono except for the lens flare. If you smudged in some red in the sig, it'd be better.



Hope this helps all you guys~

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Static Remix: Brushless means nothing, alright? Your style needs a lot of work - never mess with the focal like you did with the first and third sigs unless it's to add lighting or depth. Second one's bg is very messy and hard to distinguish the focal with the lack of depth. Third has bad text.


Mikaeo: Looking better. The colours are odd since the right side is very very messy, and the left is negative space with poor text. Depth and lighting are essential to make that a good sig, and you lack both of those essentials.

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I know its been a while i don't even know if im still considered in, it's just been a bit busy with work for me so i havent been sig making







3 tuts and almost all my sigs

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Name: Ryan

Experience: Not alot But i am good at some things. ^^

Example: Ok here are just random banners.





I have had alot more and better ones just these ones are all that where saved befor my comp crashed. Oh and the avi i have i made to.

Why do you want to join:

Well i just want to learn and really try to get good at sigs. And mabey try to be as good as the rest of these members.


p.s: I understand if i get turned down. And under the 50 rep prize you made a typo at the end it says " By my " I think you ment " By me " Just pointing it out. :]

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Alright. I am back from holidays and at home i have internet. Here are the siggys/tags whatever, i made in august. And cyber, i think that you should post the SOTW No. 6








The spider woman one is the one i don;t like that much, i probably spattered rippled and distorted her too much but it looks kewl!


Don't hesitate to rate them in the showcase forum!

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