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A Trade I made

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I traded:

1. gold DMOC x1

2. super Raiza x1

3. secret Angel 07 x1

4. super Dark Grepher x2



1. ultimate Solar Recharge x1

2. super Wulf x1

3. tinzo x1

4. super PoC x2

5. super Thestalos x1

6. A bunch of LODT commons


Later that day I traded:

1. tin Uria x1

2. rare Volcanic Shell x3

3. ultimate Volcanic Slicer x1



1. ultimate Solar Recharge x1

2. Ultra Celestia x1


So, I think I'm going to make a Lightsworn deck. ( In IRL I mean, I already have one online.)

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mis read' date=' i thought u trade 1 away, sorry. Dude... did you drug these guys befiore tarding them?



Lol, well, the second trade was with a guy who once traded me a G-Beast Heraklinos for a Chaos Sorcerer (banned) and a few Cloudians (common.) I later sold that Heraklinos for $170.

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