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Random Cards


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I agree, the first card is over powered (Even though i like the Bleach anime series), so you should give that card a weakness of some sort, for example, if the card you draw is a Trap, then decrease your Life Points instead of your opponents. Also, the grammer on the magic card is a bit wrong, as it should say "Remove the monster from play instead", not remove the monster instead; 6/10.


P.S: Revengeissweet, the concept of the cards is Random, which it said on the Title of the Thread.

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The First card is still overpowered, but all of the other cards are balanced, so good job. Also, on Dragins assault, the grammer is slightly wrong (Select 1 Dragon-type "monster", not select 1 dragon-type), but it's not that much of a problem; 7.5/10

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Thank you all for your rates and comments, and yeah, I know the first card is a little "Broken" as in the terms of it being over powered, but I tried equaling it out with a negative effect... Which can make all the difference in the long run. It could make or break the user of the card, plus not only that, it has a specific summoning condition of 2 dark monsters, and now I think I may make it 3 dark monsters... For making it a little less broken.

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Alright, I modified the first card I made. I will state the the effect since the text is too small.





Effect:This monster cannot be Normal Summoned, or Set. This monster can only be Special Summoned by offering up 3 Dark attributed Monsters. Once per turn, you may reveal the top card of your deck, if it is a Monster card, add it to your hand, then discard one card. If it is a Spell, then increase this monster's attack by 500 points until the end of your opponent's next turn. If the card is a trap, then your Life Points are halved. You cannot use this effect if your Life Points are higher than your opponents Life Points, or if your Life Points are less than 500.

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I have also decided on making a Bleach Set. You may get to see the pic used for Hiro Ishida. And I will say that I do not own any of the artwork of my cards, for the credit goes to the original owners of the art. IE the original artists of the Bleach pics, and soon going to be Naruto pics of my Naruto set I am going to create. Any one of my cards that share a same effect is purely coincidental, and sorry if I seem to have copied you, but like I said in my last post that, I will try to make them as 'Characteristically' accurate as possible. Anyway, I am going to close this post in saying this, I have started my Bleach set and will come out with a post with them in it. Please take a look at them, and rate them. I will make a post here too when the set is posted, and may put the link.

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