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[align=center]Card 1.


Sartyr, the Highland Winged Centaur


Card Lore:

This monster cannot be Selected as a Attack target while there is more than 1 'Wind' type monster on your side of the field. This monster change it's type to either "Winged Beast" or "Beast Warrior", this monster get's the following effects for the following type.

+. Beast Warrior: Increase the Attack of this monster by 250, and send 1 monster with "Sky" in it's name to the Graveyard.

+. Winged Beast: All monster's with "Machine" or "Warrior" in their name lose 500 ATK points, and are unable to Attack this monster.






Card 2.


Drexxes, the Female Drown Priestess


Card Lore:

This monster cannot change it's ATK or DEF, except for this monster's effect. This monster can choose the Following Effect once per your Opponent's turn.

+. Your Opponent's must pay 450 Life-Points for every monster he/she is about to Summon.

+. Your Opponent must remove 2 cards from his/her Graveyard from play, if not, your Opponent must discard his/her hand to your Opponent's Graveyard.






Card 2.


James, the High Lord Gunslinger


Card Lore:

This monster can only be Summoned by Tributing 1 'Warrior' type monster equipped with "NeverEnding Gun" from your side of the field to the Graveyard. This monster gains one of the following Effect's during your turn.

+. You gain 300 Life-Points for every 'Warrior' monster on your side of the field.

+. All 'Warrior' Type monster's cannot be removed from the field during your Opponent's next turn.






Card 3.


Thines, the Leader of a Thousand Infernal Souls


Card Lore:

This monster's effect can change, depending on this monster's type, this monster can change it's type to "Spellcaster" or "Pyro", this monster gains the following effect, for it's type.

+. Pyro: Every turn this card is on your side of the field, inflict 250 Damage to one of your Opponent's monster, or his/her Life-Points.

+. Spellcaster: Once per turn, Select 1 'Spell' and 1 'Trap' card from your Graveyard, and return them to your Deck, and re-shuffle.






Card 4.


Travium, the WaterBeing of Neptune


Card Lore:

This monster cannot be Summoned, except by Tributing 1 8 Star monster from your side of the field to the Graveyard.

This monster can change it's effect depending on what type this monster is, this monster's effect changes for the following type's, 'Fairy' and 'Aqua'.

+. Fairy: This monster gains 300 for every 'Fiend' Type monster on your Opponent's side of the field.

+. Aqua: Once per turn, Select, 1 'Monster', 1 'Spell', and 1 'Trap' card from your Graveyard, and return them to your Deck and re-shuffle, next turn, you must discard an additional card, for every card you send to the Graveyard during that turn.



Holo Version


as you can see the stars are holoed, and the Attribute aswell, that is because it is the main, of this Entry




Card 5.


Asterix, the High Court, Secretary


Card Lore:

This monster cannot be Summoned, except by Tributing 2, '3 Star' monster from your side of the field to the Graveyard.

This monster can change it's effect depending on what type this monster is, this monster's effect changes for the following type's, 'Fairy', 'Warrior' and 'Zombie'.

+. Fairy: All monster's on your side of the field, are unable to be sent to the Graveyard, by any of your Opponent's Effect's.

+. Warrior: This monster cannot be Equipped by any 'Spell' cards, instead, this monster's ATK increases by 500, for every 'Spell' card activated, that involves this card.

+. Zombie: When this monster is returned to your side of the field, from your Graveyard, this monster's ATK increases to 3000, if this monster is sent to the Graveyard, when this monster's ATK is 3000, both players lose 1000 Life-Points.






Card 6.


Lighting Charge


Card Lore

This card cannot be Activated during your turn, it can only be Activated during your Opponent's Battle Phrase. Choose 1 'Light', Attribute monster, a 'Warrior', or a 'Beast' type monster. When one of your Opponent's monster Select's the monster that this card is in play with, that monster is Removed from play, and all of your Opponent's monster's lose 1000 ATK points, until the end of your next turn. If this card is played, when a 'Thunder' type monster is Selected as an Attack Target, Increase the ATK of that monster by 100 X it's Level.






Card 7.


Elemental Curse Chain


Card Lore

This monster can only be Activated, when your Opponent's declares an Attack to one of your monster's. That monster, is removed from play, that monster returns to your side of the field, under your control, from play. All monster's that where Special Summoned to your side of the field, from this Effect, get sent to their Respective Graveyard, when this card is removed from the field.




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