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whats that?, OTK?

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what otk do you personally think is the best, for me batteryman, its 4 cards thats a lot you mat say, but its 4 cards that are unlimited making the chances of drawing them high plus batterymen are fast so turn 4 on average is about the time it takes to otk but in occasion (about 1 out of 5) batterymen will ftk :)



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My own creation' date=' Speed Warrior OTK... may need a few cards to pull off, but is versatile and can fight without OTK'ing...



teh idea was mines you thief! MINES ALONE! any way i like the gigaplants helped me go 5-0 in reginals. (of course this is when df was still usable.)

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Lonefire OTK' date=' only 2 cards.



Enlighten me.




My favourite is Morphing Jar #2 / All-out Attacks / Poison Mummy OTK


Three cards. Just have to stall for a while until you get All Out Attacks and MJ2, then its sped up a lot because you can mill out everything but the monsters once Poison Mummy is summoned and flipped.


My brother uses it and its only failed once.

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