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Warhammer RP! welcome to the bloody world of the 40k universe! (LOCK)


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Please sign up if you play warhammer40k or know about warhammer40k


Setting:in the year 40,000, there is no peace,armies from all over the galaxy wage war to gain the most powerful and supreme force.The Imperial Guard,Chaos Space Marines,Space Marines,Orks,The Tau Empire and the Eldar

all battle for one planet,Giridian(yes,i made this planet up).Giridian is a desolate sandy world which used to have the biggest and most wonderful buildings,until the Tyranid forces invaded it.


To Sign Up:


Race(all 6 are in setting):


Character(make one up if you have to,and describe his weapons,rank, ETC):


Army(you get more on your adventure):




Race:chaos space marines


Character:Kharn The Betrayer (once again) his rank is chaos lord and has a plasma pistol and chainaxe known as "GoreChild"


Army:40 berzerkers,20 havocs w/ heavy bolter,30 bloodletter,4 chaos predator,2 bloodthirster,20 chaos marines w/ bolt pistols & chainswords

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lol necrons suck and yo u have small army i will have big army if i cant i will size it down


i will join


army: Imperial Guard(oviously)


Character: Lord Castellan Urkasar E. Creed Rank: General Wepons Las pistol, Power Sword


Army: a platoon of imperial guard(100 guardsmen 20 conscripts) 5 heavy wepons teams a a Command squad(hes in it) 2 sentinel squads(6 sentinels) 2 leman Russes 12 chimaras for transporing the infantry 3 basilisks 5 imperial bombers

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