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Ancient Gears.....

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Guest JoshIcy

Ok, during the last few days maybe weeks that I've actually bothered to look here one thing I havent seen is a thread on Ancient Gears. So I am gonna ask this from the major TCG players of this forum (duh).


Are Ancient Gears practical in the current Tourney/Metagame format? What would help them along etc... Basically your opinion on them....

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Ancient Gears can be good if you know how to run it.

I made a deck centered around pulling out the Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem... Unless the opponent activates Torrential, Raigeki Break, Threatening Roar, etc., you're golden. Add in Power Bonds and Limiter Removals and it's decent.

At least, to me.

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Doom Wraith summed it up. All ancient gear monsters can't be special summoned' date='[/b'] making them slower than most decks. Perhaps a gadget oppresion gear hybrid deck could survive finals in a local tournet..


Ancient Gear, Ancient Gear Soldier, Ancient Gear Engineer, Ancient Gear Knight, Ancient Gear Cannon, Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Chimera, and Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon can all be special summoned.


And whenever they bring out Gear Town in English, things will only get better.

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