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Does Anyone Know? 2!

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That would depend entirely on what kind of game you want to make. There are several decent programs out there(and even a few console games designed specifically for this) but it depends mainly on style and level of depth. You could make everything from text adventure to fully 3D emersion. Provide as many details as you can(without giving away all your secrets, just style comments) and I'll see what I can provide in the way of information. ;)

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ok well its going to be a Role Playing Game kinda thing(Like FF7) so theres going to be turn by turn fighting. I would like to come out looking as good as FF7 did but less then FF7's graphics no what I mean? Thats all I can really think to tell you could you maybe give me a form I could fill and then you can base it off that?

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1st off, if you're going to make a decent RPG...drop the obsession with 7 and replace it with 6(3 in the US) since it's ten times the game...not to mention that trying to code all the fluff graphics and cg scenes will probably drive you insane unless you're some kind of coding god. Instead, use 6 as a more realistic template and focus more on having a really good storyline. With this new set of guidelines in place, here's a program to get you started.


RPG Maker XP


Ok, now that you have the program...go to RMN and read pretty much everything on the webpage and forum related to the program you just downloaded(yes, it's alot of material).


Once you've done that, hopefully, you'll have the information necessary to make the game you want. Hope this helps. :cool:

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I don't use this. I use a 3d program to make my characters first. Then I open another mac program to make the story line and everything. Finally I make the animation. I made a game once it was 3D and good but I didn't really play it. I didn't even give it to someone to try it.

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