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New spin on monarches

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I changed my soul control around and this is what i got.

It play tests amazingly I always have card advantge.


Monsters : 21


1x Raiza The Storm Monarch

3x Caius The Shadow Monarch

3x Thestalos The Firestorm Monarch

2x Cyber Dragon

2x Gravekeeper's Gaurd

3x Dekoichi The Battlechanted Locomotive

1x Mask Of Darkness

2x Gravekeepers Spy

1x TreeBorn Frog

1x Sangan

1x Snipe Hunter

1x Spirt reaper


Spells: 12


2x Enemy Controller

2x Allure Of Darkness

2x Book Of Moon

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

1x Brain Control

1x Heavy Storm

1x Premature Burial

1x Monster Reborn

1x Pot of avrice


Traps: 8


2x Phoenix Wing Wind Blast

1x Trap Dustshoot

1x Mind Crush

1x Mirror Force

1x Torrential Tribute


41 cards now.

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Don't own solmns I usaully borrow them from a friend and there not needed, mybe in the side deck. I'm sure this deck has been done before, most decks have been done before. I had a simuler deck but the monster line up has changed dramaticly. The main meta this deck faces is GB, gigaplant, and other monarchs. So my side will consist off anything that helps combat that.


Side deck:

3x LGM

3x D.D crow

3x Bottomless trape hole

3x Pulling the rug

3x Regeki Break

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