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AIM Duel-Off! (Round 2) (Matches Set!!!)

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EDIT: I changed this Friday @ 1:00.




This Saturday, @ 12:00 EST i wanna say, I'm holding an AIM Duel Tournament. The winner gets 100 points and 3 reps!! The finals are a week from tommorrow. The qualifying duels are tomorrow!


Members So Far:


Mikegallo (Sportsboi49)

Mike2084 (Luellamike)

Maggiomartedi14 (Max)

DarkLordWicket02 (Wicket02)

Totalobelisk (need i say it?)

Star*Trainer (me) (rainbowdragon254)

Donpatch101 (Donpatch101)

Meteorawolf (Meteorawolf1)




The Duels Are Set! It starts @ 12:00 EST Time. k, here we go!









Traditional Style Tournament. None Of The Following Cards Can Be Used.


Monster Reborn


Pot Of Avarice

Chaos Emperor Dragon

Future Fusion

Green Baboon, Defender Of The Forest

Time Seal

Card Trooper

Destiny Hero-Diamond Dude

Cyber Stien

Last Turn




Divine Dragon-Excellion

Elemental Hero Air Neos

Demise, King Of Armageddon

Chaos Sorcerer



Please fit your deck to the format.

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Well. Since their will be more than one duel to go on, it will be at whatever time its ready. And chaoserver, i cant get my CB on YVD, so i'm not gonna use it. Its easy to sign up for aim just go to www.meebo.com

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Also, we should set up some basic rules, like having to state your Lifepoints, and current amount of cards in your hand at the beginning of each turn. And of course giving your opponent all the basic information he/she asks for during either turn (CiH, LP, Cards on the field, Atk/Def/Stars/Type/Attribute, and stuff like that)

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OK. The tournament is on AIM. and that is not changing. I do have rules, and we who duel on AIM, always state our hand/lp at the end of our turn, and the monsters stats when we summon them. There is a custom forbidden list too.

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ya. its tommorrow @ 12:00 EST time! You all have from 12-5 PM EST Time to get your duels done. Failure to duel will give your opponent automatic victory

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If you all want, the finals can also take place tomorrow, but that will be determined later on. that is up to you guys. But 12-5 tomorrow EST TIME!

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Lol, I would have joined, but first, your full and second, you banned shrink but not harpies feather duster... Pot of avarice, but not pot of greed. I am frankly confused.


Also, you basically eliminated the key cards from Demise OTK, DDT, and Perfect Circle.


And you forgot to ban Butterfly dagger - Elma. Now you can win instantly with just gearfried, royal magical library and Butterfly dagger because you can draw your entire deck (assuming Exodia is in it.)


I hope you take my advice and Ban either Exodia the forbidden one or ban Butterfly dagger.

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