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tools of the trade ( my new tourny deck ) rate and improve

Recommended Posts

3| Dark Red enchanter

3| Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch

2| Destiny hero - Malicious


3| Don Zaloog

3| Spell Stirker

1| Treeborn Frog

1| Sangan

1| Snipe Hunter


2| Reinforcement of the Army

2| Foolish Burial

1| Monster Reborn

1| Premature Burial

3| Shrink

3| Ruthless Denial

1| Heavy Storm

1| Mystical Space Typhoon

1| Brian Control


1| Crush Card Virus ( currently trap dust shoot until i get it )

1| Mind Crush

3| Solemn Judgment

3| Drop Off

1| Mirror Force


1| Sandwitch


~side deck~


1| Swords Of Revealing Light

1| Torrential Tribute

2| Cyber Dragon

3| Lightning Vortex

3| Dark Bribe

2| Armageddon Knight

3| Mystic Tomato

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