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What do you know about YCM? The test putting members to shame!


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I wasn't actually very active during Sartorism (I was in Orlando yayz), but this is pretty much what happened:


A guy called Sartorius (back then, he was one of the better players of the TCG) wanted to be a mod and help the forum by making a bunch of n00bs good at the card game stuff. People were kinda pissed because he was pretty arrogant, so they started QQing and stuff. After a series of IM conversations and things like that involving Sartorius and chaoserver, it was revealed that chaoserver wanted to take over the site and stuff, so Frunk perma-banned him. I think he later banned Sartorius for flaming and stuff, but it was only for a month. In February when the GameFAQs guys came here, Sartorius came back briefly and tried to start Sartorism again. This failed pretty quickly and he left. I'm probably pretty wrong here. Remember I wasn't on the week or so this happened.

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I wasn't actually very active during Sartorism (I was in Orlando yayz)' date=' but this is pretty much what happened:


A guy called Sartorius (back then, he was one of the better players of the TCG) wanted to be a mod and help the forum by making a bunch of n00bs good at the card game stuff. People were kinda pissed because he was pretty arrogant, so they started QQing and stuff. After a series of IM conversations and things like that, it was revealed that chaoserver wanted to take over the site and stuff, so Frunk perma-banned him. I think he later banned Sartorius for flaming and stuff, but it was only for a month. In February when the GameFAQs guys came here, Sartorius came back briefly and tried to start Sartorism again. This failed pretty quickly and he left. I'm probably pretty wrong here. Remember I wasn't on the week or so this happened.


In other words,Satorism is just a member's attempt to "improve himself as a mod",though that can't hide his nature.

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Well, he was never a mod in the first place. It pretty much proves that the only way to become a mod is to have YCMaker think you are trustworthy and good enough. He probably would have been an okay mod in the TCG section at the time (summer-ish of last year) if it weren't for the blatant flaming and whatnot.

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reading your chronicle of YCM helped greatly for this quiz^_^


Thanks. :) I understand the first and currently only chapter of the chronicle can only prepare you for a few of the questions in the quiz. But rest assured' date=' once there are more chapters, a new, much larger quiz will be made.


Cool I'm with frunk 100%!!! No joke I took a Screen Shot




I'm not accusing you of anything, but if you cheated, you're only cheating yourself.


I got 64%! I took it again' date=' and got an 85, though.


Frunk, can you provide any links to the stuff about Sartorism? Or, can you at least cover it in the next chapter of the chronicle?



The chapter I'm currently writing is proving to be a challenge. I am considering writing the Sartorism chapter then continuing the one I'm writing now. I think that's what I'll do, and with any luck I'll have some time to do it tomorrow.


Just wondering' date=' what's up with the age question? Is your score affected in some way if you're older than 18 or something?



actually, i think every quiz on that site asks ur age and gender

it doesnt affect anything


It is possible to make the Age and Gender questions affect the score, but I didn't as it simply wouldn't make sense. They're default, and you can't gather any statistics from them so they're pretty pointless in my opinion.


I wonder what's the deal with Sartorism' date='is it sorta a pseudo-religion formed here once?



Slimey is on the right track, but not exactly correct. All will be revealed in the the Sartorism chapter of the chronicle, which I hope to publish by tomorrow.

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

Got 86%. I signed up towards the end of Sartorism and tried to learn as much as I could about it, so that gave me an advantage.

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