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Lightsworn Deck


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from what I've tested it against[which does include Batteryman OTK, Reset button, Triple Threat Lock, Gear Crush, Spellcaster Swarm, D.D., DDE(Diamond Dude Explosion), DAD Deck(Traditional), Twilight Deck, Glad Beasts, and alot more, but I dont remember all deck types I've faced]

I've lost about 2 times in a best of 5 against the battery and Twilight Deck, otherwise I have annihilated every other deck one way or the other]


Total: 45



3 Wulf, Lightsworn Beast

3 Jain, Lightsworn Paladin

3 Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior

3 Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner

3 Celestia, Lightsworn Angel

2 Gragonith, Lightsworn Dragon

2 Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter

2 Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress

2 Guardian of Order

1 Judgment Dragon



3 Solar Recharge

3 Monster Reincarnation

2 Reinforcement of the Army

1 Trade-In

1 Smashing Ground

1 Heavy Storm

1 Mystical Space Typhoon

1 Monster Reborn



3 Glorious Illusion

2 Dark Bribe

2 Raigeki Break

1 Torrential Tribute


I am looking for any and all comments to make the deck stronger and faster then it already is at this point, also looking for Ratings!!which would be greatly appreciated.

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I tried it with 3 Judgment dragons, and then I tried it with this version.....this version won faster with stronger monsters on the field every time, so I figured I would stick to this one, running 3 judgments is a waste if you can find more powerful swarming capabilities without it, although it is the trump for the deck, it doesn't mean you base the entire deck around it, give your self back up plans in case judgment doesn't hit the field fast enough.

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*facepalm* all LS deck need 3 judgment dragon.

This is how you run LS- It has never lost.

Celestial, Lightsworn Angel x 3

Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner x 3

Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior x 3

Jain, Lightsworn Paladin

Ehren, Lightsworn Monk x 2

Judgment Dragon x 3

Wulf, Lightsworn Beast x 3

Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress x 3


Foolish Burial x 2

Solar Recharge x 3

Monster Reincarnation x 2

Premature Burial

Monster Reborn

Reinforcement of the Army x 2

Mystical Space Typhoon

Heavy Storm

Brain Control


Threatening Roar x 3

Beckoning Light x 3

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My deck is actually faster and stronger now without the two extra Judgment Dragon's which is better in my opinion since I dont want to have to rely on Judgment Dragon but rather the general idea of field swarming power. one Judgment Dragon is enough for that Concept.

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*facepalm* all LS deck need 3 judgment dragon.

This is how you run LS- It has never lost.

Celestial' date=' Lightsworn Angel x 3

Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner x 3

Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior x 3

Jain, Lightsworn Paladin

Ehren, Lightsworn Monk x 2

Judgment Dragon x 3

Wulf, Lightsworn Beast x 3

Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress x 3


Foolish Burial x 2

Solar Recharge x 3

Monster Reincarnation x 2

Premature Burial

Monster Reborn

Reinforcement of the Army x 2

Mystical Space Typhoon

Heavy Storm

Brain Control


Threatening Roar x 3

Beckoning Light x 3




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the deck is pretty good' date=' Ive faced it and Ive beaten it a few times and it beat me a few times. but yea I think JoC has a perfect decklist for you and your lightsworns.



A few times....the only time you beat me was when you finally made your Batteryman OTK deck, otherwise, and I only lost 3 times out of 8 duels....the other 5 I killed you in.

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