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Rainbow Dark Dragon and Yubel

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Yubel by herself sucks. Sorry baby, but that's how the ball rolls. Her decktype is one of the only ones that requires sufficient studying to build and play. In the hands of a proper Yubel duelist, she can be very dangerous in casual play, and even somewhat in Regionals, but I doubt she'll top anything important in the near future.

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R U Guys Kidding? Yubel is one of the BEST FIENDS!! I'll show you why.

1. As Roxas says, "Use with Doom Shaman", it can be killed really easily. Yubel itsself is sorta bad, but killing it on the first turn when you don't have to pay the cost is good.

2. The 2nd form is awesome. Totally awesome.

3. DARK Monsters can be used to summon the mighty DAD.

See. Told ya.

Ok, maybe Rainbow Dark Dragon is sorta bad if you don't have a deck dedicated to it, but at least, Yubel is DEFINATELY Not useless. Really.

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