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Unlike the last two decks I've posted, this has a theme

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Monsters: 20


D.D. Warrior Lady

D.D. Survivor Man X2

Banisher of the Radiance X2

Bazoo the Soul-Eater X3

Marauding Captain X2

Snipe Hunter

Chaosrider Gustaph

Witch Doctor of Chaos

D.D. Warrior

Exiled Force

Dimension Jar

D.D. Assailant

Gren Maju Da Eiza

Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer

Neo-Spacian Grand Mole


Spells: 12

Reinforcement of the Army X2

Nobleman of Crossout

Dimensional Fissure X2

Soul Release

Monster Reborn



Lightning Vortex


Dark Core


Traps: 8

D.D. Dynamite

Bottomless Trap Hole

Return from the Different Dimension

Sakuretsu Armor X2

Karma Cut

Torrential Tribute

Macro Cosmos


I took the Dark Emperor structure deck I bought, kept the removal theme, but swapped out a few cards for ones I thought might work better. So, does this look good, or does it fail? (I'm thinking it probably fails and is too slow.)

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