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Random Card Idea

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The idea just kind of came to me, and so I thought I should post it. I don't think I could find a pic for this card, so I'm posting it here. If you think you know of a good pick for this, post it or pm me, and if I like it I'll give you 100 points.



Normal Spell

Destroy 1 monster on your side of the field. The monster destroyed by this effect is treated as being destroyed as a result of battle.

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This card can be useful when combined with Skyscraper 2 - Hero City.


Not the best example card... I was thinking more of the "Mystic Tomato" line of critters...


Oops... I guess I didn't think that 1 thru well enough. Here is the actual combo.


Your turn.

Play Skyscraper 2 - Hero City.

Normal Summon Elemental Hero Stratos

Activate 1 of Stratos' effects.

Activate Crash! selecting Elemental Hero Stratos.

Activate Skyscraper 2 - Hero City's effect' date=' Special Summoning [i']Elemental Hero Stratos[/i].

Activate Stratos' effect, again.


This is useful to get around the restricting of Stratos.


Also, you can use this on the Giant Germ-like monsters.

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