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Exodia with a twist

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Many Duelists have seen the Manticore Exodia combo but here is how I do it.


Monsters (20):

2|Manticore of Darkness


1|Spirit Reaper

3|Obnoxious Celtic Guard

3|Royal Magical Library

2|Amazoness Chain Master

3|Amazoness Fighter

1|Left Leg of the Forbidden

1|Right Leg of the Forbidden

1|Right Arm of the Forbidden

1|Left Arm of the Forbidden

1|Exodia the Forbidden One


Spells (12):

3|Card of Safe Return

2|Foolish Burial

1|Monster Reborn

3|Pot of Avarice

2|Cheerful Coffin

1|Premature Burial


Traps (8):

3|Next to be Lost

3|Jar of Greed (just to fill their own space)

2|Enervating Mist

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