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how do you post cards?

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well you need to save a picture of the card that your doing onto your computer document"my pictures"


you'll have to go to the page with smilies,it will say post reply at the bottom of the thread but anyway you will see a box that you can write in on the bottom of the post reply page and it will say"New Attachment",go on browse

then select the card that you want to post then press open and the card picture name will appear in the writing box at the bottom of the post reply page then select add attchment then the card picture name will appear at the bottom then a option saying"insert into post",select it then something in your post will appear and it will say"ATTACHMENT"and some other stuff,don't delete any of it and do not press the "space" button on your keyboard after it or it won't post,when all of the work is done select the "post reply" option at the bottom of the post reply page then you will see your card on your post:D


(don't put cards on general)


if it don't work send a private message to me

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