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New cards, hope there better ( I'm new)

Legend Killer

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Always remember Monster's names are in "These".


Cap Monster, Hand, Deck the works.


He's refering to the misspelled word "The" you spelled it "Teh" in "008"


Tip, try to strain away from using divine Monsters.


"009" and "Spiral Illusion" are overpowered.


Make fixes.


Also, "008" should say:

"This monster can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell Card, "Agent Reinforcement". You must also Tribute monsters whose total Level Stars equal to 9 or more from the field or your Hand. After the 3rd turn of this card being Ritual Summoned you may tribute this face-up card to Special Summon 1 "009" from your Hand or Deck."

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