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Overgrown Garden (Yes a Plant Deck)

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I'm Trying to Make a Deck with what is already know from Crossroad of Chaos.


Monsters: 23

Level 4 or Lower: 16

1x Dandelion

2x Gigiant Cephalotus

3x Lonefire Blossom

2x Lord Poison

3x Copy Plant

1x Morphing Jar

2x UFO Turtle

2x Arcane Archer of the Forest


Level 5 and 6: 4

2x Gigaplant

2x Fairy King Truesdale


Level 7+: 3

3x Camelia Princess Titenial


Spells: 19

3x Card of Safe Return

2x Grass Fertilizer

1x Monster Reborn

1x Heavy Storm

1x Lightning Vortex

2x World Tree

2x Fragrance Storm

2x Hand Destruction

3x Inferno Reckless Summon

2x Foolish Burial


Traps: 7

3x DNA Surgery

1x Mirror Force

3x Solemn Judgement



This is a OTK/Swarm Deck. I use Grass Fertilizer/World Tree to Special Summon The Stronger Plants from my Graveyard. I get them there by Hand Destruction/Lightning Vortex/Foolish Burial. Or I special Summon Swarm Locus by UFO Turtule/Gigaplant/Grass Fertilizer/World Tree and than use Inferno Reckless Summon to get two more. Than use there effects to Special Summon Three Strong Plant Type Monsters. Than Lightning Vortex and Attack Directly.

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i do not know sounds good

WTF Do you mean with that?


looks really bad first of all that deck is totally weak aginset fire add some water monsters and it should be better

Okay I think your thinking of the Wrong Game. Attributes don't have an Attribute they are strong to and Attributeds they are Weak To.


i like it' date=' ut i'm not a fan of plants



Me neither, just trying something new out.

i think they they are cool

lets duel



Dont' quadruple post. Use EDIT. Next Time Neg.





Dont' quadruple post.


And ALord' date=' might wanna do the Zander Clause thing, most people dont know what these are.


Didn't saw this we posted at the Same Time.

Whats the "Zander Clause" Thing? I Know Santa Claus but...

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Seems a bit slow, i run plants on DMU not sure about some of the new cards but lord poison is slow, i prefer 3 giga 2 Camelia, Turtle is a no ill make some edits in a bit i gotta get back to work

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wanna duel

1: This is considered Spam

2: I don't know you

3: We most Likely don't live in the Same Country

4: Don't Ask Again!



The Xander clause is where you post the effects for japanese cardsd that aren't popular yet (Gorz and dandelion are exceptions)

I have put links to the Wikia page of the OCG cards from Crossroads of Chaos.

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