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Heres my shop: Boosters, splices, OCG help, tins, Holos, Rendering, and Recoloring

Tips are accepted


Store Hours: 10am - 5:30 pm




If shop is CLOSED, ill ignore your request and 2 -reps

No Spamming ***

No Flamming ***

Dont ask me questions on how i do my items *

All requests without the use of the Form will be IGNORED

Please pay AFTER i give ____ to you, so no more Prepaying

How do I give points? is counted as spam, look in the tutorial section ***

No Attachments **

Post 2gsfihx.jpg282ovmb.jpgapivs9.jpg





[spoiler=Pokemon Splices]

Cost: 1 points

im also not that great at these and for Triple splice i dont recolor


Pokemon (max. 3)=

Preferences to where body parts go=

Its Name and text color (optional)=


**For 2 extra points ill come up with a name for you**









For 3 points ill correct your OCG


**For 2 extra points, ill come up with a name for you**


Just PM me your card you need OCGed or post it here

You MUST post it with the typed original OCG so i dont have to type so much. If you dont ill ignore it.







Cost: 2 points


All I need is the picture of the card that you want to be in the tin. You can choose from these available colors:













Cost 3 points


I need the card you want the holo of

and choose 1 of the following effects







1st 1 dots, 2nd 1 mystic, 3rd 1 lines





Cost 3 points, depending how hard or long it takes, price could go up

the 1 in the example would be 3 points


I need the Picture, duh:lol:

Do you want the pic regular or brighter (shown in example)


[spoiler=Example 1]


First: Original

Second: Words taken out and brighter


[spoiler=Example 2]


First: Original

Second: Back ground taken out

this is one that took longer so it would cost more


[spoiler=Example 3]


First: Original

Second: Background and letter taking out would cost more

Third: Darker looks more realistic




New Items

New Items

[spoiler=Recoloring – Pics and Cards]

Cost: 1-5 points (depends)


Pic or Card:

Body part recolored:

Card Recolored:


Examples will be up later





[spoiler=Sub Type Help]

Cost: 2 Points


Your Card:

Your Card where it only says [/effect]: shown in example










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Guest Tiger

KOD i made 2 of them bc blue didnt look as good as green



and for Woon tell me if you want the holo to be lighter or darker meanig show more or less



Your right! Thanks for making 2!!!


You will recieve points soon!

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