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The 1st Anual Mew 101 Splicing Contest

Mew 101

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[align=center]Welcome to The 1st Anual Mew 101 Splicing Contest.



  • Must include Celebi
  • Must include at least 2 Pokémon, not including the required Pokémon
  • You can make as many splices as you want
  • You must make a Non-Shiny & a Shiny Virsion
  • Can't be larger then 80X80
  • Can not use Mew in splice



[align=center]This contest will end in 1 week. Only 1st place will get a prize. Reward is 100 Points


Also, for those of you who will post "You can't hold these contests here.", yes I can.




1st Place: Jappio[/align]

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(Instead of shiny' date=' I did another Forme.)


Blue Cryseelt = Cobalt Forme

Red Cryseelt = Amber Forme




DId you even read the rules? MUST INCLUDE CELEBI! MUST BE NORMAL FORM & A SHINY FORM! Also, deate extended for 1 day.

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