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Beavers of DOOOOOOM!!!


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0/10 owerpowered


well' date=' this is one of the first cards I made, and they are all overpowered. and FYI, all the cards I make are jokes. they have nothing to do with acuracyof the actual game or or anything. have a sense of humor, will ya? Dr.Awesome out.post_101750_1213828473_thumb.attach

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0/10 owerpowered


well' date=' this is one of the first cards I made, and they are all overpowered. and FYI, all the cards I make are jokes. they have nothing to do with acuracyof the actual game or or anything. have a sense of humor, will ya? Dr.Awesome out.



Say it's one of your first cards and you should state it's a joke

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0/10 owerpowered


well' date=' this is one of the first cards I made, and they are all overpowered. and FYI, all the cards I make are jokes. they have nothing to do with acuracyof the actual game or or anything. have a sense of humor, will ya? Dr.Awesome out.



Say it's one of your first cards and you should state it's a joke

well, at first I was just gonna make and print'em out, but then I Figured out you could POST them. so, I started telling people.


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0/10 owerpowered


well' date=' this is one of the first cards I made, and they are all overpowered. and FYI, all the cards I make are jokes. they have nothing to do with acuracyof the actual game or or anything. have a sense of humor, will ya? Dr.Awesome out.



Say it's one of your first cards and you should state it's a joke

well, at first I was just gonna make and print'em out, but then I Figured out you could POST them. so, I started telling people.


ok just say it's joke cards in the title or in the post otherwise people arent' going to know

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