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ok i was thinking about a new deck in tagforce 2 then i though ah counter fairys, then i made one based off the dark ones deck, it ran okay but was really inconsistent, then i though ok i need moar speed, then i was thinking hmmmm engines, nothign seemes to fit a lv8 mark then it clicked THE CREATOR, so i made a deck added a creator engine, and now it gains EPIC advantage


3 bountiful artemis

3 harvest angel of wisdom

3 the creator

3 the creator incarnate

1 marshmallon

1 van dalygon

1 dmoc

1 voltanis the ajubicator


3 card of safe return

1 heavy storm

1 lightning vortex

1 monster reborn

1 prem

1 brain control

3 trade in


3 soulems

3 bribes

3 forced back

3 synthetic seraphim

1 torrential tribute


it works and its bloody fun :)

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Run more copies each of Van'Dalgyon and Voltanis. I'd say at least 2 and 2.


To do that, I'd suggest dropping Brain Control and a Harvest Angel. Harvest is good, but the fact that he has to be destroyed by battle is a major hit to his playability. I don't like running him at 3.


Also, no to Forced Back. If you can't use Wrath, use Magic Drain.

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