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THE RICK ROLL CARD!!!! (Here it is, Oxys.)


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post_101750_1213813025_thumb.attach Behold It's Glory!!! The funniest prank on the internet now has it's own card. (prays and thanks God for the Idiea.) now, about Rick's FACE...LOL. got this pic while searching youtube. I don't know About you, but to me tose pics are IMMENSE...ly tiny. so by coincedence, Rick's Face Is Made Of Pixels. LOL. this card is a joke.
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LOL, I need the Ritual Spell now, and now another way to Rick Roll somone XD. 7/10. It should have a Rick Roll Counter on monsters, and play a spell Rick Rolled...AGAIN, and those monsters with Counters would get sent to the players deck XD.

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LOL' date=' I need the Ritual Spell now, and now another way to Rick Roll somone XD. 7/10. It should have a Rick Roll Counter on monsters, and play a spell Rick Rolled...AGAIN, and those monsters with Counters would get sent to the players deck XD.

[/quote'] thanks oxys. I would say they were good Ideas if I knew what they ment. LOL. I know nothing about the game.

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