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Hannah Montana Cards


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I give these cards a 0/10...lets see why shall we?


First of all all these pictures are compleatly stupid,you might as well have called the Hannah Montana card "Ugly 5 year old in costume of Hannah Montanna" and the "Hairdoo" card is one of the stupid things I've ever seen,its not Hannah Montanas ugly hairpeice and the picture was cut off.


The effects of these cards are idiotic.I don't even have to name any of them because they are ALL stupid.And they don't sound like the effects of real cards either.


I agree with Ace Arekku_Koro your cards suck,my theory is you suck at making cards.


0/10 because your cards make me want to vomit.

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Oh joy. Hannah Montana.

Well; let me just say, all of your insecurities are correct.

Your cards, by most means, are terrible.

My advice; would firstly, be to focus on not sucking, followed by learning what the heck you're doing when you're posting cards.

Afterwards, Pick something that isn't so.. weird.

You cannot use a T.V show like Hannah Montana, and expect good results.

It's like putting Batista up against a bear.

Sure; They're both animals, but what the hell, it's a bear.

(Forgive me, but I kind of.. think Batista's cool.. ^_^")


You got two; Mainly because you proved Hannah Montana's Dwarfism.


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