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**REAL CARD PRIZE CONTEST!** (Theme: Non-effect monster)

Falling Pizza

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This contest is to make the most balanced, fair, and overall awesome non effect monster. It could be of any amount of stars and attack and defense, but keep in mind fairness is key. Also art and creativity will be important. You must also make two more cards based around the non-effect monster, they can be any type of card. Winner shall recieve one card of their choice from my card store :wink: and one rep point :wink:


C ya :wink:


Falling Pizza

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Alright seriously guys..............A REAL CARD PRIZE! I will announce the winner once we get to 10 entries. If we do not get to 10 entries in 2 weeks, the contest will be closed, and your opportunity to get a free card will be lost forever. Mods, I encourage your participation! Who says mods can't participate?! :wink:


elsandero: Your second card isn't showing up, all I see is the two monster cards. I'd suggest rehosting it. :wink:

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^ Alexis Rhodes ^



^ Three Wise Monkeys ^



^ Ice Wolf ^


Dont mind if I join do ya...

Anyway just some things I thought on maken for this contest on the count of fun...

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^Yes, I believe it is. But no one said there was anything wrong with that :wink:



It seems that no one else is going to participate. Although I SHOULD end the contest without announcing a winner, my conscience is telling me otherwise.


And the winner is...........................yugiohmasta444! PM me the card you want. :wink:

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